14| part one - A fearless princess

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Maxine point of view

I escaped out of the dungeon using magical powers that I never ever even knew I have until today which brings me to my conclusion about my family tree or my ancient ancestors.

I am flying outside of the open window to try to find out where he went with his brother Jake for their final duel when his brother master tries to stop me from helping Angel therefore I am using every single hatred energy in my power straight towards lucifer.

"Just leave these nice innocent angels alone!"I commanded to lucifer.

I just do not get lucifer a domination plan to take over the world it is really delusional to me because it is never ever going to happen not even in a thousand or two more billion years to come, I have a feeling of likelihood the greatest good in the world is not going to put it with his sick twisted mind.

"Hahah, you are no match against my power little girl"chuckles evilly lucifer.

For someone sure as disgusting as my opponent he could surely use a breath mint for his nasty smelling breath with deodorant. Moreover, he still currently stinks like a rotten fish.I have already been trying to hold my gagged back four times in a row today although putting a stop to all the corruption in the world especially including lucifer life.

"I do not know who you are calling little peeps squeak?"I challenged lucifer.

Most of the time when I was little girl, other people used to be scared of the monsters underneath their bed. Meanwhile I was not scared of monsters but my own thoughts that haunted me at night with a hugely interesting imagination to not pride myself for having at such a young age.

"How dare you call me that? Do you not know who I am?"Spits Lucifer.

An evil demon villain who I find highly annoying by his existence as in any slight thing he does like talking, moving or even breathing to be alive right now. I used to think escaping my aunt's house was the only problem I ever had in life among other difficulties in life. However, I am wrong for thinking about nothing more than that could actually bother me in a way where I just want to wipe the smug smirk off this demon face.

I shrugged uncaringly about listening to the side story because it is not important to me.

"Ohh, I definitely do not want to find out more about your pathetic ego or history"I scoffed to Lucifer.

He tried to charge toward me when I swiftly dodged him.

"I am going to turn you into ashes"raged Lucifer.

A sudden burst of power flowing in my whole body is glowing radiant just like the sun or moon transforming me into a whole new person who I used to be with fully confident walking toward this almost being after calling weak , doubting my ability to beat a useless dark heartless form of evil monster. This monster has messed up already because nobody underestimated the strength of a woman or a female. Generally speaking I could totally choose to finish this battle between Lucifer and I.

"Well good luck with that beast"I remarked to lucifer.

Finishing this very non satisfying conversation would be boring with no fun nor thrilled in the excitement of choosing to put someone in there place but somehow an idea has strikes in my mind to make this a very slow yet painful death for all the mental scarring that i had been through in the last past hour, it did not sit right with me at all.

This revenge plan has to be the most incredible, absolutely and cunningly genius paid back of coming his way for attempting to damage or Angel's evil brother Jake thinking that i would ever fall in love with him.

"You are going to pay for that"shouted Lucifer madly.

First of all, I will take Lucifer down when he is unexpecting it then ,i will tie him up with a rope I found loosely laying on the floor, tape his mouth shut to keep him silent while I am trying to give him every single last piece of my mind.

Secondly, i am already starting to become protectively of Altus Creek due to the more amount of time i spend here; meeting new people falling in love with Angel and lastly, i originally come from Elysian ,Altus Creek therefore this place is in bloodlines as much as i hoped for my situation back on the human world to settle down for now.

"I am going to pay for nothing and do you want to know why? Because I am the princess of moralities"I revealed to lucifer.

"Impossible!I do not understand the queen of moralities lost princess is nowhere near to be found"gasped lucifer.

I take my plan into action when this terrible monster of all nightmares is a currently distracted by my massive reveal to quietly shift the rope under my left foot to hasity kick up also catching it dropping into my hand afterward, i tied the rope around tightly enough so that cruel villain cannot breathe as it gasping deseperatly for air when i then started to chuckling to myself who is weak , desperately and lonely now!

"Look a little bit closer than that and you will seek the truth answers about my past because I am the half angel and half human" I explain to myself to lucifer.

I used a sharp dagger which I accidentally forgot about under my shelves to scarring every single part of its body from head to toe by wrenching my dagger deeply into its skin slowly dragging a dagger across its body repeatedly until it screamed out in pain with a satisfying smirk on my face.

Some people might call me weird for enjoying the sound of my enemy's pain; however, every princess is her own queen!

"You are the lost princess of mortality but it is too late to save your friends"snickered lucifer.

I am fully morphine into my angel form blasting this hideous repulsive reptile into ashes with my light rays of power so badly that evil villain popped into ashes giving it every single torture of hell Jake and his boss put me through.

"God is a woman!"I exclaimed determinedly to lucifer.

I heard an animal calling out to me in my mind so I am going to follow the directions of the sound or voice yet to my surprise I find myself a stunning dragon in the forest of lost dream sawing around the sky furthermore this is the most beautiful ,majestic and magnificent magical creatures landing here on the ground.

"Who is a very good girl Mitty?"I called to my dragon.

I petted a dragon on her mane for a while now before I remember I still have people to save in Altus creek to get them out of the way for war,it is like that dragon already knows what I am thinking as it immediately lowered itself down for me to ride a dragon.

Climbing up on my dragon's back is the most exhilarating experience of excitement and adrenaline for me. Once we had taken everyone out of the way into safety in this wine cellar room, I made my way over here to help my friends and him.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now