28|Girl power

11 3 4

Maxine point of view

Our nation event is about to start as we are all preparing to brilliantly for it to take place, i am feeling ever so confidence in myself for working hard on my part on the showcase.

As I am reaching for my water bottle in my bag is when melton decides to ruins my beautiful moment of peace once again, also i do not his presence being near because it makes me feel a hugely amount of uncomfortable anytime this boy is around me.

Relax Maxine, maybe he will leave me alone if I am avoided enough eyes contact or ignoring him to the point where he will get so frustrated that he would never ever be able to bothering me again.

Moreover, he keep getting under my skin annoying me to the point where i wish  could just control him with a remote to silence him and throw it away in the deep river.

"Hey hot stuff" flirts Melton.
Oh saints!

What would my best friend do if she were in my shoes now with an incredibly annoying arrogant nuisance who is standing one metre away from me? 

"Hello, jerk,"I remarked to melton.

I hit Melton lightly on his right arm whilst hoping for him to at least take a hint because not only someday but all of the seven days of the week is where I cannot stand to be near Melton plus I despise him so much to a point where I just want to tell him to shut up although, you might think that I has anger issues when it is he whose is annoying everyone else.

"Ouch , what was that for?"asked Melton.

Why does Melton always have to tries flirting with me when I am in a relationship with Angel?

It is time for me to set up these boundaries as high as a biggest skyscraper, I get this very shady almost like weird vibes off of Melton. I sometimes think that he is secretly the devil spawn.

"For distributing my peace of mind" I scowled to Melton.

A permanently scowl is my face expression with an eyes roll in cue from enduring annoyance of this fudging boy who is seriously testing my limitations of patients in every single way that is ever been known to mankind!

Moreover, I am not too sure about why he still won't let me be in peace and quiet to focus on my big showstopper as every princess or queen before it is an important tradition for everyone who is part the royal family do an showstopper at the end of the day.

"Are you usually this gruchy or is it your boyfriend doing?"asked Melton.

Now, I am finally starting to think that Melton might have developed a new likeness for Angel hence it is why I am going to probably start assuming about his annoying crush on my boyfriend nor the reason for it because they both have a broody dark past.

"If you do not shut up in five seconds-"

"what are you going to do huh?, you are nothing since women cannot be in power without a man"spatted Melton.

I am walking slowly in a calm manner in that pesky boy  direction by taking challenging steps towards him all because he says something so arrogantly sexist about female and also I do not take what he says very lightly at all.

"Rules number one never ever underestimate a strong women power furthermore, it take fifteen men to build an army and only one of those women who underestimated to kill them all!" I says, " and by the here is a breath mint"I pinched my nose with my finger while using my other hand to get rid of the smell.

"Ooo, I am so scared,"mocked Melton.

Spraying my lavender scented small bottle perfume to make it more bearable for me to breathe when there is such an stretch or foul smell is causing me to almost want to throw up immediately after smelling it.

"Oh, but believe me, you should be terrified because powerful women like me and my friends can turn the whole world into beautiful flames-"

All of a sudden Devine following behind walks up to where we are now, she cocked her head to the side peering to be slightly mad at Melton meanwhile on the other hand Arden looks like she is furiously enraged by his uncaring wayward attitude towards me. I notice her boyfriend is trying to hold her back to avoid any fight between Melton and my best friend Arden.

Which it is a shame because I for one would be supporting my best friend all the whole through their fight.

"Leaving you to burn down with it, if you want"threatened  Arden furiously.

Her boyfriend Wilson tries his best to make her less angrier than before while glaring at him, using his earthly powers to be trapped in woods of the ground as vines begin to wrap around Melton arms from a tree plant being placed beside him.

"You are both bluffing, you and your friends"shouted Melton at me.

He accused us of lying yet being a purest angels we never tell a lies of any sort, I finds it quite hilarious that he nearly jumps out of fright when Arden hand started to lit up tiny sparks of fires in her almost uniting a flames ball of reddish dangerous fires but she quickly made it disappear again.

"Do not be too fooled by our pretty smile , gorgeous face and amazing bodies,"warned Devine.

A snickers came from my blonde haired friend Devine as she painted on the most fakest sweet smile which soon turned into a cunning smirked. They are both truly amazing people with badass edgy vibes nevertheless they always sticks to their words.

"We could do it even if we want although I decided not to let my imagination run wild only just for today because we have got even better stuff to do"I smirked smugly to Melton.

It is One hour later that  I am still waiting patiently for our group name to be announced in six seconds trying not to overwhelm to a point where I burn out which might affect my performances if I work too much. Also I could feel this whole place is counting on me to do anything spectacular.

"Would Maxine and her wonderful group of friends, please come up to stand on this spot now?"asked the couriers.

Presenting an interesting injury deer who looks like this poor innocent creature is moments from passing away until I place my two hands on it, concentrating severely on tasks using my determination mix with my magical gifts to help heal the animals, next up is angel demonstrating with a darkened room to show to the crowds of excited people all hanging off their seat afterwards our friends are showcasing their best skills together within six minutes of the closing ceremonies of celebrating our royal inheritance.

"How is that for being just a woman?" I retorted to Melton.

As I see Melton walking away with not a single word or sexist remarks thrown my way when we all laugh out loud at his downfalls of anger during him getting disqualified for earlier events.

We are all waiting patiently while which feels like forever for the results to come in when we hear noise from the crowds of audience chanting our names and now it is a no brainer who would win this showcase competition.

Lost in time|Mystical Love series#1Where stories live. Discover now