Chapter Thirty Eight

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I woke up with a terrible hangover squished between Camden and Riley They had both joined in with the drinks and dancing last night and it almost felt like old times except I didn't have to deal with my over emotional school friends.

I leant over Cam to grab my phone so I could text Paul to let him know I was awake. Camden moved and I fell on top of him which woke both of them up as the weight from my body made the bed bounce.

'Well hey Kat. This isn't how I expected to wake up but I'll take it' Camden winked at me.

'Oh shush' I rolled me eyes, 'I was getting my phone and you were in my way.'

'That's an excuse I haven't heard before' he chuckled.

I ignored him and text Paul who answered straight away.

'Okay that's a very gross and cutesy text' Riley fake gagged as he read the text over my shoulder.

'No one said you had to read it!'

'You're sat right next to me, I can't avoid it!' he protested.

'You're the one who jumped in to bed with me, not my fault Riles.'

'Only because I missed sleeping with you' he pouted.

'I didn't, I forgot how much you fidget' Camden groaned.

We laid in bed for a while, catching up on each others news. Riley had started dating a new girl but she was a bit flighty so he didn't know if it would last very long and Camden admitted he hadn't really dated anyone since me which made me a little sad but he insisted that he was okay.

Kim and Willow came and climbed in to bed with us around 11am and I was very surprised that the 5 of us fit! We ordered some room service and just managed to sneak in the breakfast slot. 

'Have you spoken to Paul this morning?' Kim asked.

'Yeah, we've been texting. I'll call him later. Have you spoke to Jared?'

'Yeah, he was saying how much he missed me. I didn't have the heart to tell him I barely thought of him all night' she confessed.

'He wouldn't like that' I agreed, 'I talked to your mom a little bit as well Willow so she knows you're okay.'

'Thanks Katie, I spoke to her as well after Embry called this morning but I know she will feel better talking to you.'

'Have you gotten all responsible on us now Kat?' Camden teased.

'She has a steady job, goes to school, almost has a house and is engaged. She's basically a mom to a group of about ten of us' Kim told the boys, 'She's responsible as hell sometimes but then sometimes she eats so much junk food she spews!'

'That was one time Kim!' I protested as they all laughed at me.

Our laughter stopped when Leah and Emily joined us and sat on the end of the bed.

'Hey sleepy heads' Willow greeted them, 'We ate without you.'

'That's fine. I don't think I could stomach food.' Emily groaned.

'You do look the worst out of us all' Leah told her with a small chuckle.

'Do you have plans for the rest of the day or are you just going to recover here in the rooms?' Riley asked.

'I don't know about the others but I'm staying here' I yawned, 'I don't want to move until we need to go home.'

'I agree,' Leah seconded 'Unless you need to kick us out?'

'Nah, the rooms are yours until your flight tonight' Riley replied.

'Can you both stay with us or do you need to go back to work?' I asked.

'Nah, I have others who can deal with the club until we open tonight' Camden said, 'which means plenty of time to annoy you Kat' he poked me in the side, making me squeal and slap at his hands.

'I can stay too, Dawes is in charge today so I'm free' Riley confirmed.

'Awesome, that means you can tell us more about what Katie was like when you knew her cos she can be really cagey about it sometimes.' Leah stated.

'I tell you things!' I protested.

'Not enough, I need gossip and blackmail material' she grinned and Kim nodded her agreement.

'What would you like to know?' Riley asked.

'Noooooo' I begged him, using the puppy dog eyes I knew always worked on him.

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