Chapter Forty Three

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I awoke one morning to hear the pack howling nearby so I stumbled outside to see what all the ruckus was about. The whole pack was in their wolf form and Emily was stood outside her house looking just as confused as I was. The pack stayed in their wolf form, talking to each other I assumed and then they all ran away in different directions.

'What the hell?' I heard Emily mutter just as Paul and Sam came back as humans.

'Come on, we have news.' Paul announced, leading me over to Sams house.

We went to the living room and I curled up next to Paul as Emily got us some food. She was slowly getting back to normal with me but there was still an air of awkwardness.

'So what's going on?' I asked.

'Bella has returned from her honeymoon but she's pregnant' Sam announced.

'What the hell?!' I exclaimed, 'A weird half vampire, half human hybrid thing.'

'Jake went to visit Bella and the baby is killing her. He thinks it might kill her and the Cullens will turn Bella and break the treaty' Sam told us.

'Surely if it's to save a human we can allow them to turn Bella' I said.

'It's breaking the treaty Katie' Sam protested and Emily nodded her head in agreement.

'Okay, God knows I don't like Bella but if turning her is the way to save her as surely we should consider it. And what about the baby? What's the deal with a hybrid baby?' I asked.

'We don't know. According to Jake the Cullens don't either' Sam confessed, 'But we were hoping you might be able to help us here Katie.'

'What? How?' I asked.

'You're one of the few members of the pack not completely terrified of the Cullens and we were hoping you would visit them on a recon session and find out more than what Jacob did because he got a bit emotional when he saw Bella.' Sam explained.

'Are you okay with this?' I asked Paul, 'I don't want you freaking out like last time.'

'It was kind of my idea Kitty. Kind of an attempt to make up for my terrible reaction last time. I knew you would be curious.' Paul told me.

'Okay, I'll go once I'm dressed. I'll drive so at least I have a way to escape if I need to' I told them, standing up so I could head home.

Paul and I wandered back over to our house and headed upstairs so that I could get dressed.

'Are you sure you're okay with this Paul?' I asked as I chose some clothes.

'I swear I am Kitty. I knew your brain would want you to go and study Bella and her baby. And Sam knows he can trust you to do this job with a level head because you won't be worried about the Cullens even though you should be' he reassured me.

'I'll smell like a vampire when I come home. That's what set you off last time' I reminded him.

'So I'll stay away until you shower and change' he shrugged.

'One last chance to change your mind' I told him, fully dressed and ready to go.

'Text me when you get there and leave' he replied, kissing me softly.

I drove up to Forks, trying to remember where I went when Jacob visited Bella for her graduation. That seemed like so long ago. I finally found the road and drove to the Cullen house. I wasn't sure when Edward would be able to hear my thoughts or if the other one, Alice, had seen me arriving in a vision. But Dr Cullen and his wife were waiting for me as I text Paul and left the car.

'I'm not here for a fight' I told them hesitantly as I approached the house.

They both smiled at me.

'We know. Alice saw your arrival and told us why you were here' Esme told me, 'Please come in, we can show you to Bella.'

I walked through their house still in awe at how beautiful it was. We stopped in the living room and I saw Bella on the sofa looking like death warmed up. I saw Edward flinch so he must have heard my thoughts.

'Hey Bella, you look dreadful' I joked, sitting near her but keeping my distance from the vampires.

'Why are you here Katie?' she asked.

'Sam sent me to see what the deal was with you, the baby, and the possible treaty violation if you die' I replied, 'But first things first, I did not know that vampires could procreate. Not going to lie, I find it a little gross but I'm not here to judge.'

'What does Sam want to know from us Katie?' Carlisle asked.

'What the baby is, the future of said baby and potential risks to humans and the pack it may bring. Is it killing Bella and will you turn Bella if she does die and knowingly break a centuries old treaty.'

'We don't know about the baby and it's future' Alice confessed, 'I can't see it'

'You mean in your visions? Well that doesn't mean much does it? You can't see the pack and they're relatively harmless.' I told her.

'I should be able to see vampires' she replied stressfully.

We spent the next few hours discussing things. The Cullens seemed very concerned about the baby as they didn't know what it was but they were also studying their asses off and using every contact they had to find something. They were hopeful the baby wouldn't be dangerous though as it would be half human. I noticed that no one mentioned the possible death and transformation of Bella, I guess it was a sore spot for them. Jake told me it has caused a few arguments before now.

'Katie, do you think Sam would be open to negotiating the treaty?' Edward asked.

'What kind of negotiating?' I asked hesitantly.

'To protect Bella'

'And the baby' Bella interrupted.

'I'm not sure but I can ask him. He'll do whatever is best for the pack and humans. He won't want to put anyone in danger.'

'Ask if he will meet us at the border tonight at seven and we can discuss it then' Carlisle told me.

'I will. I should go now though. Thank you for letting me visit and ask a million questions'

'Of course Katie, it was lovely to see you' Esme said happily.

'Good luck Bella' I said just before I left.

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