Chapter Twenty

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The next couple of weeks were a blur. And kinda lonely. Bella had announced that the red headed vampire was after her - some grudge from a while ago - so the pack was busy on patrol, or watching over her when they weren't eating or sleeping. Because of this, Sam had eased up his rules about Paul and I sleeping in the same room as he knew this was one of the few times we could spend together.

Jacob and Embrys friend Quil joined the pack, which was to be expected since he's an Ateara. He fitted in easily and the packs busy lives. Then, something terrible happened.

Harry Clearwater, one of the elders of the tribe, died from a heart attack. His two children, Seth and Leah phased. That shocked the entire pack. Seth was no problem, he was a really sweet kid and I had to help tutor him as he was only 14 and Sam refused to let him forsake his education just yet. Leah however, was a problem. Partly because it was a shock that a female descendant phased for the first time ever in history, and also because she used to be with Sam before he phased and imprinted on Emily.

Paul told me it was awkward and annoying when they were in wolf form as Leah still hadn't forgiven Sam or Emily for what they did to her. Leah was bitter and resentful and nothing like the girl I remembered from my childhood on the rez. She tried with me though to be the girl I remembered, I think she was just lost and a little out of place so I happily welcomed her and tried to make her feel at home with the pack.

'Get dressed, we're going out' Paul announced, coming in to my room one evening.

I looked up from the book I was reading and gave him a questioning look.

'We are going to be normal teens and go watch a movie. And Sam said you can crash at mine tonight so we can do whatever you like' he told me.

'Sounds fun, let me change' I replied.

I quickly got dressed in some black skinny jeans, a grey jumper with butterflies on it, and black ankle boots with a small heel so I didn't look tiny stood next to Paul!

'Have a good night guys!' Quil yelled from the living room as we left.

We watched some random action/adventure movie and ate a lot of popcorn before heading back to Pauls house. I was looking forward to a night away from the pack.

When we arrived at Pauls house, he kissed me hard as he backed us through the door. I chuckled slightly against his lips as I removed his jacket and he fumbled with the hem of my jumper.

*cough, cough *

We broke apart and turned in the direction of the coughing. A man was sat at the kitchen table, a drink in front of him.

'Father' Paul greeted, making me freeze. 'I didn't expect you to be home so soon, I thought you were gone another week'

'The deal closed sooner than I thought so I returned early,' he replied, 'who is this?' he asked, motioning to me.

'Oh yeah, this is my girlfriend Katie. Kitty, this is my dad' Paul introduced.

'Nice to meet you Katie' he said, offering his hand for me to shake.

'You too Mr Lahote' I replied, shaking his hand.

'Please, call me Tom. I'm sorry to interrupt your evening, I will leave you to it but Paul, I would like to see you before I leave later this week'

'Of course, I will make the time' Paul promised.

His father left us and Paul pulled me in to the living room and we collapsed on to the sofa.

'Sorry the evening wasn't exactly to plan Kitty, I didn't realise my dad would be home so soon'

'It's fine baby, I don't mind, it's nice to meet your dad'

'Come on, no reason why we can't end the night how I planned' Paul announced, dragging me up to his room.

The next morning we went back to mine as Paul had to help the pack to chase down the red headed vamp and I had to tutor Seth. He was annoyed that he couldn't go on patrol like the others but Sam didn't want his education to suffer so Seth had to sit out a lot.

Emily had stopped us when it was time for lunch and the pack still wasn't back so I made Seth arty on studying, no point in wasting valuable time! It was also a distraction, I was worrying about the Boys and why they weren't back yet.

It was very late when they came back and Paul looked pissed off.

'What happened?' I asked, hugging him tightly.

'One of the Cullens came on to our land but Paul pushed him back. The red headed vamp managed to escape though. She has figured out how to pit us against each other effectively' Sam told us.

'Maybe Jake should go and speak to Bella and her vamp?' I suggested 'if what Jake has told us is true then Bella probably doesn't know anything about this so talking to him in front of her might help?'

'That's a good idea Katie, Jake you should go to them at the school so nothing can happen' Sam ordered, 'until then, everyone get some sleep'

I dragged Paul upstairs to my room and he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was exhausted. I just wanted those blasted vampires gone already so that we could try to have a normal life!

We lazed around the house the next morning, none of us really wanted to go far from the house. Seth and Jake were the only two not with us, Seth was with his mum and Jake was visiting Bella. Even Kim had come round to hang out with us. We heard Jake return on his bike with Bella so the pack and I went out to greet them.

'Look who's back!' Embry greeted Bella with a grin.

'What's up Bella?' Quil asked, a cheeky smile on his face.

'Quil, you too?' She asked, shocked.

'Yup, finally made the pack! He replied proudly.

'I'm glad you're here Bella, maybe now we can finally get a break from Jakes inner monologue' Embry teased.

'I wish Bella would call. Paul imitated.

'Wish Bella wouldn't call' Jared added.

'Maybe I should call Bella?' Embry mocked.

'Maybe I should call Bella and hang up' Quil finished and we all burst out in to laughter.

Jake looked mortified as we all laughed at him, but it was getting a little boring to hear him complain about Bella so he deserved it.

'Alright, you can shut up now' Jacob told us.

Leah joined us from the house and glared at Bella.

'Bella, this is Leah Clearwater, Harrys daughter' Jacob introduced.

'Hey, I'm really sorry about your dad' Bella told her.

'If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave' Leah replied and I started laughing again as she walked away from us.

'Sam, we good?' Jacob asked as Sam and Emily joined us outside.

'Yup, she won't be getting through our line anytime soon' Sam confirmed.

All the Boys started to cheer and they ran off into the woods to phase. Jacob took Bella away (thankfully) so I went back inside to spend time with Emily and Kim for a while - just us girls.

Later that day, when the whole pack was together and eating our dinner, Jacob told us that Bella was planning on becoming a vampire after her graduation this year. That was a violation of the treaty the pack had with the Cullens though so no doubt we were going to be at war if they went through with it. Great!

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