Chapter Twenty Eight

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Quils sister Willow was due to arrive two days after he had told us she was coming and I was so excited to meet her. We had made plans for the pack to meet her on the beach so that it was a familiar environment for her and so she could meet us all at once and get introductions out of the way.

Paul and I woke up that morning and put on swim suits under our clothes. I opted to wear a cute black dress and some sandals over my green bikini but I threw a hoodie into my beach bag with my things in case it got colder later on - the weather was well known for changing suddenly. We headed downstairs and helped Sam and Emily pack up the car with food, drinks, and blankets for us to sit on.

Sam let me drive for once so I happily skipped to the driving seat and drove the four of us down to the beach. The pack were waiting for us since we had all of the blankets so they couldn't set up without us but Quil and Willow had not yet arrived.

We set up our things in the middle of some fallen logs so we could sit and lean against them as well as on all of our blankets. Embry came over and sat with Paul and I as he was nervous to see Willow again after all these years. He confessed to us both that he was worried his crush on her might make him imprint on her and cause Quil to hate him.

'Quil is not going to hate you' I reassured him.

'Yes he will Katie' he insisted.

'He'll definitely hate you' Paul agreed. So I hit him.

'Paul! Don't say that!' I told him.

'It's true though Kitty. Quil will hate Embry if he imprints on his sister. Just like Sam hated me when I imprinted on you. But he will get over it' Paul explained.

'I guess you're right' Embry reluctantly agreed.

'That's going to go straight to his head now' I rolled my eyes as Paul looked proud of himself for giving such good advice.

We laughed and then noticed that Quil and his sister were walking towards us. I glanced at Embry who was staring at her - I'm pretty sure he imprinted on her! I nudged him a little to stop him staring at her which would probably freak her out a little bit. He looked at me helplessly, yep, he had definitely imprinted on her!

'This is my sister Willow, Willow, these are my friends' Quil introduced us.

'That how you're going to introduce us Quil? No names or anything? Is your sister magic and already know who is who?' I teased him.

'Shut up Katie' Emily told me, 'I'm Emily, this is Sam and the loud mouth over there is his sister Katie' she began to introduce us all, 'Next to Katie is her fiancé Paul, then we have Jared, his girlfriend Kim, Seth. Leah, Colin, and Brady. You already know Embry and Jacob right?'

'It's nice to meet all of you' Willow said politely.

'Come sit with me Willow, I want to know all about England!' I told her, moving over so that there was room for her next to me on the blanket.

'What would you like to know?'

'Everything! What is it like? Do you miss it? Are you glad to be home?' I asked her.

'Chill Katie, you'll overwhelm her' Leah told me as she joined us.

'Sorry' I apologised sheepishly.

'It's okay' Willow laughed, 'England was great, I loved it a lot but I'm glad to be home with my family.'

'I'm jealous you have been there, it's on my bucket list for when Paul and I have a little bit of time to go travelling' 

'I can make you a list of places you have to visit while you're there if you like?' she offered shyly.

'Ooo, yes please! That would be amazing'

'Hey, do you guys want to join us in the sea?' Kim asked as her and Emily stood up and came over to us.

We agreed so the five of us stripped down to our swim wear and I saw Paul glance at the scars on my stomach and flinch away from me. I was going to say something to him about it but I didn't get chance as Leah grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the water with her.

Kim, Emily, and I squealed when the cold water hit our skin so Willow stayed out of reach but Leah bounded through the water like it was the perfect temperature. Perks of her wolf blood I suppose - I was a little bit jealous that she never felt cold any more. We eventually joined Leah a little bit deeper in the water and managed to coax Willow in to join us and convinced her to duck under the water and get wet head to toe before the boys came to join us and dunked her under during one of their games!

The boys came splashing in to the water to join us and soaked us all again as they ran past us. Paul came over to me and pulled me to one side.

'I love seeing you with water drops running down your body' he told me.

'Oh really now?' I teased, running my hands down his torso.

'Kitty' he warned.

'What are you going to do?' I asked him with a grin.

I regretted it immediately though as he dunked me under the water. When I came up for air I was furious and jumped on him, trying to force him under the water as well but failing miserably. He was laughing at me and pulled me down to where the shallow water was so we could both sit. He leaned over and kissed me.

'You're the prettiest girl in the world Kitty' he complimented me, tracing my scars with his hands.

'You don't need to keep complimenting me Paul, you already got me to agree to marry you' I laughed.

He joined in my laughter 'I'm never going to stop complimenting you Katie'

We stayed in our own little bubble for a few minutes before going over to join Embry, Willow, and Jacob who were stood talking to each other.

'I was just telling Willow how crazy feeding time is with us' Jacob laughed.

'Oh my gosh yes, its like being at a zoo' I told her with a laugh, 'literally everyone just grabs everything so you better get in fast if you want to eat.'

'Thanks for the warning' she said with a smile.

'Come on, how about we head up now and grab some food before they eat it all?' I suggested to her.

We ran up to where we had left our things and Emily had started to get the food out ready for us. We both piled up our plates so that we didn't have to fight with the pack when they finally joined us.

'I'm still kinda hungry' I complained once all the food was gone.

'Katie you eat more than should be possible for someone of your size, how have you not burst like a balloon yet?!' Embry asked in disbelief.

'Sex burns a lot of calories' I replied without hesitation.

Everyone groaned at my response except Paul who kissed me hard.

'You're gross Katie, we really did not need to know that!' Sam protested.

'But I was being nice and answering Embrys question' I replied.

Sam just shook his head at me whilst the others laughed. It had started to look like it might rain so we packed up before it hit the area and headed home so that we could continue to hang out together. Leah and I tagged along with Willow so we could show her where to go and fill her in on the boys a little bit more.

'You guys are like a little family aren't you?' Willow asked us.

'Yeah, but only Sam and I and Leah and Seth are actually siblings' I told her.

'I think it's nice that you all get on so well' she said.

'It's chaos Willow as you will soon get to see'

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