Chapter Nineteen

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Mum left pretty quickly, I guessed she felt awkward surrounded by the pack. I was still sprawled across Paul and Embry and I made no effort to move as she and Sam walked out to her car.

'Do you really hate your mum that much Katie?' Emily asked when she came back in the room.

'Yes' I replied, without hesitation, 'She was never a very good parent to me. Sam practically raised me until mum sent me off to boarding school and even then she still made Sam become my legal guardian when he became of age.'

'You could forgive her, it has been years' Emily suggested.

'It has. But I believe forgiveness has to be earnt. It can't just be given out.'

'Don't worry about it E' Sam told her as he came back into the room without mum, 'Katie was nicer than I expected her to be and I'm grateful for that'

'I'm going to take that as a compliment' I told him happily.

'It was a small one'

'I do think she was a little overwhelmed by the pack though Sam. Maybe she shouldn't have met everyone all at once' I told him.

'If she wants back in your life Katie then that means she needs to accept the pack as well' he replied.

'Did you just try to help me?'

'Never leaves this room'

'Oh no worries, the entire pack are just here and can read your thoughts when you're wolves' I laughed. 'Okay, well I have had enough of socialising for one night, I'm going upstairs'

'I'll come with you' Paul said, getting up and pulling me with him.

'Leave your door open while Paul is with you!' Sam shouted up after us.

Paul and I ended up curled up together on the bed, facing each other and talking softly.

'Is the mind reading thing as a wolf really that bad?' I asked him curiously.

'It has its uses like when we need to communicate over a long distance but when it comes to move personal things then it is a pain. Most of us have learnt to block the majority of our thoughts from the others but it takes some doing and sometimes if we're really emotional then we have no control over it' Paul explained to me.

'It sounds kinda awful'

'Not always but I could live without it'

'Are there any other disadvantages to being a wolf?' I asked curiously.

'Not really. It's pretty great most of the time. I wouldn't wish it on anyone who could avoid it though. Only us unfortunate ones who carry the genes'

'I carry the gene, do you think I will be a wolf? Has there ever been a female wolf?'

'There's never been a girl who phased to a wolf. Although you are a rule breaker Kitty Kat so my money would be on you' he teased.

'Thank you?' I replied hesitantly.

The next week passed by in a blur of lessons and hanging out with the pack. Emily and I had made several visits to the Elders on the rez which had been fun, we made them choose who had baked the best cookies and I beat Em for once! I was so happy!

I was taking a break from my lessons and sorting out my room which had become a mess with the boys traipsing in and out whenever they wanted. Emily was downstairs cooking and Sam had gone with Jared, Paul, and Embry to get Jake from his house. The boy were slowly beginning to spend more time at their own houses.

I stopped cleaning when I heard a vehicle pull up outside and Jared and Embry messing around outside. I quickly finished up and started to head downstairs. I stopped though when I heard Em ask the boys who they had brought back with them.

'Bella Swan, who else?' Jared informed her.

Bella.... Bella the vampire chick who Jacob is obsessed with?! What the hell is she doing here?!

'Save some for your brothers' I heard Em say, 'And ladies first' she offered Bella.

'I'll have one' I announced, bouncing down the stairs.

I grabbed a muffin in each hand and sat down on Embrys lap hard, causing him to groan in pain and Jared to laugh at us both. Bella stood there awkwardly watching us interact with each other.

'Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order' Emily shook her head fondly.

'Um, he didn't say anything to me

I scoffed and Jared punched my arm, telling me to shut up.

'It's a wolf thing' Embry explained to her 'Alphas orders get obeyed whether we want them too or not. Oh, and check it out - we can hear each others thoughts' he bragged.

Bella looked mildly impressed, stuck up cow! Ugh, what did Jacob even see in her?!

'Would you shut up,' Jared laughed at Embry 'These are trade secrets, this chick runs with vampires'

'You can't really run with vampires' she corrected him, 'Cause they're so fast

'Yeah? Well we're faster. Freaked out yet?' Jared retaliated.

'You're not the first monsters I've met'

'They're hardly monsters' I glare at her.

'Enough Katie, leave her be' Sam told me, coming in the house 'Jakes right' he directs to Bella, 'You're good with weird'

He went over to Emily and started kissing her. I fake gagged at their gross show of PDA. Jake and Paul came in shortly afterwards and I threw myself at Paul and hugged him tight. He walked me back to the table and sat me on his lap. Then, he turned to Bella and apologised to her.

'Wait, why are you apologising to her?' I asked him.

'She punched me and I accidentally phased in front of her' he explained.

'She punched you?!' I exclaimed angrily, trying to get up but his arms circled me and kept me seated, 'Let me go, I'll punch her and see how she likes it' I said furiously.

'Katie, stop it!' Sam ordered and I stopped fighting against Paul.

Bella and Jake left while the rest of us ate our way through Emilys amazing baking.

'So why did she punch you?' I asked Paul.

'She said that the pack turned Jacob to the 'bad side' and I laughed at her stupidity so she punched me' he explained, laughing again.

'I hate her'

'You don't know her Katie' Jacob told me, coming back in without Bella.

'Don't need to or want to know her. I saw her. That was enough' I replied.

'So you're just going to judge her on one meeting?'

'First impressions count Black' I shrugged.

'Paul, take Katie upstairs' Sam told him, as Jacob started to shake.

'Alright, come on Kitty'

Paul ended up sat on my bed, watching me as I paced back and forth in front of him, ranting away.

'It's not fair that Jacob gets to keep Bella in his wolf life. Not when you and Embry and Jared have had to give up so much. And how dare she hit you! Even if she was mad, it doesn't give her the right to do that, no one has that right, you should have let me hit her! Ugh, she infuriates me. Walking around like the whole world revolves around her' I rolled my eyes.

'Are you finished?' Paul asked

'For now,' I replied.

'Then come and sit down, you're making me dizzy going back and forth'

I sat down next to him and he pulled me close to him.

'I just don't get it Paul, why is she so special?'

'It's not that she's special Kitty, more that Sam is hoping she will be able to give us some important information about the vampires'

'I don't like her being around the pack' I grumbled.

'Don't worry Kitty, we will be fine' he reassured me.

'You better be!'

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