Chapter Ten

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On Monday morning, Jared and Paul came to pick me up for school.

'Good morning Kitty Kat. Ready to go?' Paul asked, giving me a quick kiss.

'Sure' I responded, grabbing my bag, 'bye guys' I shouted to Sam, Emily, and Embry who were somewhere in the house.

The boys spent the majority of the car journey discussing the bloodsuckers human girl called Bella who was their 'pet' of kinds before they left. She was also the daughter of the police chief up in Forks.

Kim ran straight over to Jared when we got out the car at school which was adorable but I became distracted when Paul took my hand in his. I stared at it a little weirdly, not really used to the whole public couple thing.

'You okay Kitty Kat?' he asked as we walked into school.

'Yeah, just not used to the whole public couple thing you know' I explained, 'I'm used to all girls and having to sneak around with guys'

'Gotta get used to it then Kitty Kat'

'I think I can manage' I replied, leaning in to give him a quick kiss.

'Now, what is this I see here?' Lucas cheered, coming up to us, 'Do my eyes deceive me Lahote or have you bagged the hot new chick?'

'Sorry man, I know you had dibs but I'm just too irresistible' Paul laughed in response.

The others joined us as well, seeming to be quite happy for Paul and I which I was glad for as I didn't want it to be weird between me and my new friends.

My classes dragged on all day but now I knew at least one person in each of my classes which made them a little easier to bare. Isla cornered me before one of our classes together to ask me about Paul and she squealed loudly when I told her we were together. I took that as a good thing.

I was so happy when the final bell went for the end of the day. I really wanted to go home as I was craving pizza. I nearly ran to the car and I ended up beating both Jared and Paul there.

'Excited to see me?' Paul teased when he finally joined me.

'Nah, I'm excited to go home and eat the pizza I know is in the freezer. Please take me home to the pizza?' I asked.

'You can have pizza as soon as Jared and Kim get here'

'Pizza pizza pizza' I chanted happily.

Jared and Kim joined us soon after and as soon as we got home I dropped my bag and rushed into the kitchen to start cooking my pizza. Emily gave me a really strange look as I ran past her but Paul explained that I was just hungry. She laughed at me as she sat with the others and I waited for my pizza to cook.

I sat down with my pizza about 20 minutes later and slapped Pauls hand away when he tried to reach for a slice.

'My pizza!'

'Oh come on Kitty Kat! One slice?' he begged.

'No. Mine'



Paul frowned at me as I began eating the pizza. I slapped his hand away once again as he tried to sneak a piece.

'You're not getting any' I told him stubbornly.

He pouted at me but I ignored him and carried on eating my pizza. Every last piece of it. Embry laughed at me when I'd finished the whole thing. I looked at him questioningly.

'Sorry' he apologised 'I was just surprised you ate it all. I thought you may have given up'

'You thought wrong' I laughed.

'Katie can pretty much match us when it comes to eating' Jared told him.

'Yup, I'm amazing' I said proudly, 'I also beat Jared in a drinking contest so I'm better in that respect'

'Drinking competition?' Sam asked 'You've been drinking alcohol?'

'We did go to a party Sam. Don't worry, I was fine, I wasn't drunk or anything and Paul was with me like all the time' I tried to calm my brother down.

'Not the point Katie, it's irresponsible!' he nearly shouted at me.

'Sam, I'm a teenager, teenagers do irresponsible things sometimes. No need to get all uppity about it. I'm sure you were a mess as a teenager as well' I responded.

Emily laughed at us both.

'She's right Sam, let her live a little. That boarding school of hers didn't make her a bad kid - it probably made her more responsible. We have no reason to worry' she told him.

'Thanks Em' I smiled at her.

Jared and Kim left soon after but Paul, Embry and I headed up to my room to watch some movies together. Embry was growing on me - he was becoming like a younger brother to me after just a few days of knowing him. He was still struggling to control his changing but he was slowly getting the hang of not letting his emotions get too involved.

We ended up watching Sweeny Todd with Johnny Depp and the boys and I laughed at the gore and blood. It was one of my favourite movies ever and I annoyed them slightly when I started singing along but nothing could stop me once I got started!

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