Chapter Twenty Three

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Emily gave me a pain tablet when we got in the house to keep me going until the morning and then sent me to bed. Leah had to help me into my pj's as I still had limited movement without causing myself pain. I spent a Good fifteen minutes trying to persuade Embry to stay with me, I Embry to stay with me, I didn't like sleeping alone and in the absence of Paul, he was the one I was closest to in the pack and felt most comfortable with. He finally agreed and curled up next to me in bed, he was nice and warm and smelt like the woods.

We woke up the next morning when Jacob came in and jumped on the bed with us.

'Good morning to you too Jakey' I laughed.

'Shhh, been on patrol all night. Tired.' He muttered back.

'Okay, but why are you in my room then?'

'Was going to make Paul jealous by showing him pictures of me in bed with you in the hopes he might change back' Jake explained with a tired laugh, 'but it looks like Embry beat me to it'

'Paul won't be jealous, he'll just be furious and fight you both' I replied.

'You guys should go eat and let me nap here' Jacob suggested, already snuggling under my covers and closing his eyes.

We went downstairs and in to the kitchen where Emily had laid out an assortment of breakfast foods for some of the pack who were already here. Only Jared, Quil, Seth and Leah were there so I assumed Paul still hadn't phased back yet.

'Sam is still trying to convince Paul to phase back' Emily told me.

'I don't care, I'm mad at them both right now for keeping the imprint thing from me' I replied.

'Sam thought he was doing the right thing' Emily defended him.

'Yeah, and look where that got us all' I replied, rolling my eyes at her, 'I'm going to see if I can find Paul in the woods, try talk to him again'

I walked a little way in to the woods and came across Paul and Sam in their wolf forms. They both looked happy to see me and gave me wolfy grins but I wasn't happy at all.

'I'm mad at you both. You both kept the imprint thing from me. And you Paul, you didn't phase back so I had to crash with Embry last night! You both got some serious making up to do here and it better be fast' I told them.

I walked back in to the house where the whole pack had now gathered.

'Whats going on?' I asked Leah.

'Training session with the vamps' she replied.

'Be careful' I told her, giving her a hug.

'Be good' she replied with a playful wink.

Emily and I watched the pack run in to the woods from the kitchen table. They phased just before they got out of sight, not trusting the Cullens enough to go as humans. The two of us pottered around the house, cleaning up a little bit and then I went up to my room to do some work, if I wanted to graduate before Christmas then I seriously needed to start studying more.

I heard someone coming up the stairs and heading to my room but I ignored them, focusing on my work - whoever it was could wait until I was done if they needed me. I didn't however, expect to hear the voice that spoke to me.

'Hey Kitty'


I turned around, my work now abandoned and saw him standing in my doorway. I stood up, walked over to him, and slapped him. Hard. I continued to hit any part of him that I could reach even though it was probably hurting me more than him. I was mad at him but I wanted to forgive him so badly.

He stood and let me hit him. Then he grabbed my wrists, stopped me from hitting him and pulled me in to a hug. He was careful not to hug me hard enough to hurt, but it was enough to know how sorry he was.

'I'm so sorry Kitty' he whispered to me over and over again as he held on to me.

'I know you are Paul. But you can't keep something as big as the imprint bond from me again. I don't care what Sam says, one more secret like that and I'm done' I tell him firmly.

'I promise Kitty. No more secrets. He said, looking me in the eye so I knew he meant it and sealing his words with a kiss.

Wolves - A Paul Lahote StoryWhere stories live. Discover now