Chapter Fifty

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As it came closer to the vampire royalty arriving, I began to get more and more nervous. This wasn't like the newborns that the pack fought, these were experienced fighters and were centuries old.

Willow, Kim, and I had been trying to keep busy whilst the pack was training by shopping for my new office. We had ordered a bunch of furniture and decorations for the walls that were educational but fun. We had to do most of the shopping online as Sam didn't want us to leave the rez as it wasn't safe.

Jake had been the go between for the pack and the Cullens. Apparently Renesmee had grown even more and looked about five years old rather than a few months like she actually was. He came back from training to let me know the Cullens wanted to see me again.

'Jake I'm all for visiting them again but don't they have guess who drink human blood? That doesn't sound safe!'

'The Cullens won't let anyone hurt you. They really want to see you again. It's weird, they ask after you every time I'm there.'

'Will you be there as back up? Paul won't want me to go alone.'

'Yeah, of course I'll join you Katie'

We decided to go there and then whilst Paul was still training. Jacob offered to show me the way through the woods but I felt safer driving. As we neared the Cullens house I started to feel very nervous about the amount of vampires I was about to meet.

'Katie, you're back!' Esme said happily as she met us at the front door.

'Hi Esme' I replied with a smile, her happiness was contagious.

She cautiously gave me a hug as if she was scared to break me. We walked through the house to the living room where the Cullens and most of their friends had gathered. The red vampire eyes freaked me out but I tried to ignore them and focused on Renesmee who had grown a significant amount since I had last seen her. She ran over and hugged me tight when she saw me.

'Hey kid, didn't think you'd remember me like this'

'She seems to have an eidetic memory like vampires have' Edward told me, 'She remembers everything'

'I can talk to' she said proudly.

'You know if I hadn't seen you as a baby a few weeks ago I'd be so confused right now'

'Mommy says I'm special'

'That's true, you are very special. There's not another person like you in the world'

'You smell like Uncle Jake. Are you a werewolf too?' she asked curiously.

'No but my fiance is. He's in the same pack as Jake and my brother is the Alpha' I explained.

'Are they fluffy?'

'Very fluffy! But they're super strong. They'll help your family and their red eyed friends keep you safe' I promised.

'Does our lifestyle make you uncomfortable mortal?' one of them asked, approaching where I was stood.

'It disgusts me but hey, not my life, not my choice' I shrugged.

'I see why she fascinates you Carlisle' the vampire stated, 'mortals are not normally like this'

'I fascinate you?'

'Yes. Mainly because you don't seem to mind what we are and you seem almost comfortable around us' Edward explained, 'Jasper hasn't felt your emotions change around us like most humans do. He was surprised'

'I like to be different. Anyway, you invited me. It would be rude to not accept it.'

'Are you not worried you'll turn being around this many vampires?'

'Leah is the only known female werewolf in our entire history so I have no reason to think I will also turn'

'Uncle Jake won't let me meet the other wolves' Renesmee said sadly.

'You'll meet them soon. They're awesome'

'Will you be there too?'

'Probably not the first time you see them because that will be when the nasty vampires arrive and I'm not allowed to go in case I get hurt. My brother Sam will be the giant black wolf in front and Paul is the grey/brown wolf who will be on his left side'

'Can I visit you once it's safe?' she asked.

'I will have to ask. Your mommy and daddy can't visit where I live but I don't know if that will apply to you as well' I said cautiously, 'But I can come and visit you whenever you like'

'Is the pack still willing to help us?' Bella asked.

'Of course, they've been training non stop so that they're ready'

'You're worried' Edward stated.

'The pack is my family. Of course I'm worried' I replied, 'But they will be fine and so will all of you and then we can go back to being enemies of one another'

Jacob indicated that we needed to leave so I said goodbye to the Cullens and we drove home. I quickly showered and changed so that Paul wouldn't smell the gross vampire smell he hated so much.

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