Chapter Forty Four

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I had just finished telling Sam and Paul what the Cullens had said and I could tell that Sam was formulating a plan.

'I think we should meet them' he told Paul, 'I want you, Jared, and Jacob to come with me.'

'I'll let them know. I think Katie should come too' Paul suggested.

'Why?' Sam asked.

'She did good today Sam. The Cullens obviously like her and that may work to our advantage.'

'Would you be up for that Katie?'

'Sure. I got no plans and you guys will be there to keep me company' I shrugged.

'Paul, get Jared and Jacob ready. Katie, put on a few more layers because it will be cold out and I don't want you stood too close for warmth in case one of us phases too close again.' Sam said and Paul left to get the others.

'You won't be in wolf form?'

'We have to assume Edward will stay home with Bella and we need to communicate with them' he explained. 'Now go and get sorted, we leave in fifteen.'

I ran across the yard to my house to grab a coat, gloves, and a hat. The weather was definitely starting to change now. I shook my head at the guys when I joined them and saw they were only wearing their shorts.

'I hate you all' I muttered as we set off walking through the woods.

It took us a good twenty minutes to meet up with the Cullens as I could barely see under the cover of the trees and the guys had to help me navigate so I didn't trip and fall every two steps. Why did I agree to this?!

The border where we met the Cullens was by the river. Carlisle, Alice, Emmett, and Jasper had come to meet us. I carefully started to climb down the banking to the river bed and rolled my eyes when the pack jumped down, not having to worry about falling.

'Thank you for meeting with us in your human form' Carlisle started.

'Katie asked us to trust you' Sam replied. 'So here we are'

'I assume Katie told you what we discussed this afternoon and I apologise we don't have a solid answer for you on what this means' Carlisle apologised, 'We don't want to break the treaty we have with you but we can't let Bella die.'

'What do you propose?'

'We promise to only turn Bella if there is absolutely no other choice during childbirth' Carlisle promised, 'if she survives as a human we won't turn her until we decide to move on to protect the treaty.'

'And the baby?'

'Like we told Katie, we don't know the babys future. We hope it will be like us but if it's not then we would like to be allowed to deal with it ourselves' Carlisle proposed.

I could see Sam looking at Paul, Jared, and Jacob. I bet her was wishing for the packs joint mind right now.

'Katie, what do you think?' Sam asked and I was surprised he wanted my opinion.

'I think it sounds fair Sam. They don't want to break the treaty unless they absolutely have to. It will be more beneficial for them if Bella stays human as they'll be able to stay here longer. They've even said they'll sort the baby if it turns out to be a killer which is huge. I wouldn't let you do that if the baby was mine' I admitted.

'Okay, you have a deal' Sam told the Cullens. 'But anything that doesn't fit with the treaty or these new amendments won't end well for you.'

'Of course, thank you Sam.'

The Cullens turned and walked away but we didn't leave until they were completely out of ear shot. The pack had to help me climb back up the banking as it was even darker now, and Paul carried me home so I wouldn't hold them up like I did on the way there.

When we got back, the pack, imprints, and Elders were sat in the clearing between the two houses around a fire they had built. Paul put me down and I ran over to greet Sue, Old Quil, and Billy. We joined them sitting round the fire so Sam could tell them about our meeting. He had just finished when Billy spoke up.

'Charlie will be devastated if Bella dies'

Crap. I didn't even think about her dad. Charlie didn't deserve that level of heartbreak.

'Congratulations on updating the treaty a little. That took some balls' Old Quil chuckled.

'Katie was actually the star. She trusts the Cullens and I trust her judgement. Except when it comes to Paul' Sam teased.

'Hey!' I protested playfully, trying to ignore Emilys glare. I guess she wasn't too thrilled with me being involved in the pack.

'Katie was amazing' Jared backed Sam up, 'If you were a wolf Katie I would totally back you to challenge Sam for Alpha' he said.

'I would never challenge Sam' I said loyally.

'Maybe I need to rethink my second in command if you want Katie in charge' Sam threatened.

'Chill Sam. Jared is a good second' I reminded him.

Our impromptu tribe meeting lasted late in to the night and I half thought we would've ended up with some over night guests but they all went home and Paul and I had the house to ourselves which was a rare occasion.

'I was proud of you today Kitty' Paul said as we curled up in bed together.

'You were?' I said happily.

'Yeah, and I know Sam was too. You've helped the pack and done so much more than the other imprints do for the pack. That doesn't go unnoticed.'

'I know, I saw Emily glaring at me. Just when I thought she was getting back to normal with me' I groaned.

'Leah said Emily was jealous of you when I was on patrol with her the other day. Apparently Emily doesn't like how involved with the pack you are and how you've kinda taken over from her'

'I didn't do that on purpose' I frowned.

'We know that. The younger pack members just seem to flock to you' he laughed.

'I'm glad to see you tolerating Leah a little bit more, that means a lot to me. I know you weren't too keen on her at first.'

'I might even say I like her Kitty' he confessed.

'You do?' I gasped happily.

'Yeah. She's not too terrible any more which I think is partly your influence again Kitty. I can see how much she loves hanging out with you girls through her thoughts'

'I've always loved Leah. I think she's my favourite out of all the girls.'

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