Chapter Forty Five

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It was the week before Christmas and my exams for school were finally over! I had been studying like crazy and driving the pack mad as they witnessed the intensity of my study schedule. It wasn't pretty but it worked. I'd also been spending a lot of time studying with Isla who was also trying to graduate early. It was nice to spend time with someone away from the pack who was completely oblivious to them.

Right now though, I had put any thought of school out of my mind as Sam had approved us girls going to Seattle for a Christmas present shopping trip. Since the pack was so big we had decided to do a secret Santa and out imprints if we had them. I had gotten Seth and I was super excited to go shopping for him.

'Have you heard the latest on Bella?' Kim asked in the car.

'Jake said the baby was craving blood and since Bella has started drinking it she looks loads better' Leah told us.

'That's slightly gross' I shuddered, 'At least wolf babies don't need blood.'

'Awww, are you thinking of babies already?' Willow gushed.

'Hell no! Paul and I agreed to wait until we're financially stable before trying.'

'That's pretty sensible Katie' Emily complimented me.

'Changing the topic, does anyone know what to buy a wolf boy for Christmas?' Willow asked and we all chuckled.

'Jared and I normally get each other a date night box. We think of a date like a picnic or a dance or the movies and then fill the box full of things we can use for the date' Kim told us.

'I like that idea. Sam and I haven't been on many dates recently' Emily said thoughtfully.

'I was going to get Paul surfing lessons. He's been talking about learning for months' I told them.

'Ooo, that helps me cos he's my secret Santa. I can get a voucher for the surf shop so he can get his own board' Leah said happily.

'Okay so I'm thinking we solo shop for an hour and then meet back here to grab lunch' Emily suggested as I pulled in to a parking spot.

'Sounds good, see you guys in an hour' Willow said as she ran off.

Emily and Kim followed her but Leah and I headed to the surf shop together to buy our gifts for Paul. Once done, we headed our own ways and I went to find a book store for my gift to Seth. He had mentioned an old book of folk tales that Sue used to read to him as a baby during one of our tutoring sessions and I wanted to try and find a copy for him. It took me three different stores to find the book and I had to hurry back to the car in time to meet the girls. I would have to get the other smaller gifts at a later date.

Willow persuaded us to go for lunch at a pizza place which we all happily agreed to and once done, we headed back home. Willow and Leah were staying at mine tonight so we dropped Kim off at Jareds and Emily headed to hers once we pulled up in the courtyard between our houses.

I was surprised when we got home to see Paul was home, I thought he was on patrol but I very happily threw myself at him and gave him a very sloppy kiss.

'I thought you were on patrol?' I asked.

'Nah, Sam is loosening up over Christmas but I don't want to interrupt your girls night' he said, moving to stand up.

'No, stay. You can join us.' I told him.

'Yeah, we won't be doing a full girls night without Kim so you'll be safe' Leah teased.

Paul happily sat back down as I grabbed us snacks and drinks and Willow put in a movie. Paul groaned when he saw it was a really girly rom com but he was silent the whole way through watching intensely so I think he secretly enjoyed it.

We awoke the next morning still on the sofa and Leah and Willow on the one next to us. They both headed home and I was sad when I realised I wouldn't see them again until boxing day as they were spending time with their families like the rest of the pack.

Paul and I also had plans with our families on Christmas. we had invited his dad, my mom, Sam, Emily, and Emilys parents over for Christmas dinner which I had stupidly agreed to cook and was now seriously regretting.

I spent Christmas Eve prepping the food for our dinner the next day, dancing happily to Christmas songs as Paul watched and taste tested the cookies I had made. Apparently it amused him to see me acting all domesticated.

'You'd be a cute house mom Kitty' he teased.

'Oh please, If anyone is going to be the house spouse here it's you and I'll be the one to bring home the bacon' I teased, kissing him.

'So I have to be the one responsible for raising our mini pack?'

'I don't remember agreeing to a pack of children'

'I don't remember you not agreeing' Paul replied with a cheeky grin.

'I will agree to four' I suggested.

'Four? I thought you were going to say two. I am more than happy with four Kitty. Especially if they are cute little girls like you' he said happily.

'Um, no. Four boys. I don't want there to be any other girls in your life' I told him with a frown.


'Always. But deep down I know you are always mine so that makes me feel better'

'I love you Kitty. I can't wait to start a family with you.'

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