Chapter Twenty Seven

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I sat there in shock. Paul wanted to marry me! About a million thoughts went rushing through my head at once. Did Sam know? Did Emily? Did they approve? Was I too young for this?

'What are you thinking right now Kitty?' Paul asked.

'I don't know'

'You do know. Tell me what's going through your head right now Katie'

'Does Sam know?' that was the most important question for me right now.

'Of course, I would never dream of asking you without running it past Sam first. He went a little crazy but came round to it eventually.'

'Do you not think we're too young to be engaged Paul? We're still technically in high school'

'So? We don't have to get married straight away if you don't want Kitty. I just want everyone to know that you're mine forever.'

'Forever is a very long time Paul'

'It's not long enough Kitty. So what do you say?'

'Yes. Yes I'll marry you'

As soon as I said yes, Paul pulled me towards him and kissed me hard. He slipped the ring on to my finger, both of us smiling like lunatics. I looked at the ring properly and it was beautiful! It had a thin gold band with a medium sized princess cut diamond. It was perfect.

'It was my dads engagement ring for my mom' Paul confessed, 'She didn't want it though, she wanted a different one. A bigger one. I'm not sure why he kept hold of it'

'Well I absolutely love it, it's almost exactly how I pictured the ring I wanted'

'I know. You told Kim, who told Jared, who told me. That's why I thought it would be perfect for you. Do you mind that it's not new?' he asked.

'Paul you should know by now that I would love it no matter what because it came from you'

'That knowledge didn't make me any less nervous Kitty'

We sat there for a while, talking and watching the waves in the distance. Paul told me that he had informed his dad about his decision to ask me to marry him and his dad wanted us to go over for dinner one night when he was home from his current work trip. Paul and I agreed it would be best for us to wait to get married until we had both graduated from high school and that we needed to find our own place. We couldn't stay living with my brother and Emily forever! It would be strange living separate from them but hopefully we could still live close enough to them to always be visiting.

'You better get serious about graduating school though Paul, I don't want to be waiting years for you' I teased him, knowing how much he hated school.

'How can I fail when my fiancé is such a wonderful tutor?' he replied, kissing me.

'Fiancé. That's going to get some getting used to' I laughed, 'Speaking of my tutoring though, I do need to get back and tutor the younger kids'

We headed back, knowing the pack were going to jump on us as soon as they realised Paul had asked me and I had accepted. They were going to go crazy!

As soon as we got back to the house, Leah ran out to us, grabbed my hand and screamed when she saw the ring. Her scream was louder than I thought would be possible! Paul and I flinched as the rest of the pack rushed out to see what the danger was.

'Oh it's just you' Sam said when he realised there was no danger.

'Is that Katie? Did Paul ask?' Kim asked, coming out of the house with Emily.

'Yes it's us and yes he did' I said happily, walking over to them.

They both squealed and pulled me in to the house so we could sit and they could look at my ring.

'It's just like the one you dreamed of' Kim said happily.

'I know, I love it'

'Can we start wedding planning?' Kim asked.

'Not yet. We might not be getting married for a while. We both want to graduate before we start thinking about it.' I replied.

I eventually managed to leave the girls so that I could tutor Seth, Collin, and Brady. They were very fidgety and barely focused so I let them go after an hour, knowing it would be useless to try and get them to do any more.

Most of the pack had left once we were done so I crashed in the living room with Paul, Embry, Quil, and Jacob.

'So my sister is coming home soon' Quil announced randomly.

'Wait, you have a sister?' I asked in disbelief.

'Yeah, Willow is my twin. She's been in England for a few years. She used to hang out with us all the time when she was here.' he explained.

'I can't wait to meet her Quil' I told him, excited for another girl to join us.

'I can't wait to see which of the wolves imprint on her' Paul joked.

Quil growled at him which made me flinch in to Paul as it was pretty terrifying! God help any of my boys if they imprinted on Willow. Although I did kind of hope that Jacob would imprint on someone soon so that he would stop moping over Bella.

'Does your sister know about the pack?' I asked Quil.

'She knows the stories but doesn't think that they are true. Kinda like us before we turned.'

'Is Old Quil worried about her finding out?'

'No, he's really excited. He wants her to be involved and be imprinted on. He thinks it will be a great honour' Quil replied.

'I miss Willow, she was fun to hang out with' Embry told us.

'That and you had a massive crush on her' Jacob laughed.

Embry went bright red and Quil looked disgusted. Jacob, Paul and I started laughing at their faces, knowing that Quil was going to be keeping an eye on Embry from now on.

'It was a long time ago Quil!' Embry tried to defend himself to his best friend.

'You are not to go near her' Quil told him fiercely.

'He may not have a choice if he imprints on her,' Paul told Quil 'You know how hard it is.'

'How hard what is?' I asked curiously.

''It's hard for a wolf to be away from their imprint for too long. He gets all depressed and moody and stuff. It never ends well' Jacob explained, 'Sam went through it a bit when he first turned and imprinted on Emily. We've all seen it in his memories.'

'That's so sad' I said softly.

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