Chapter Thirty One

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'Katie, are you busy?' Willow asked as soon as I picked up the phone.

'No, whats up?'

'I need you' she said desperately.

'Where are you? I'm on my way' I told her, already getting up and heading to my car.

'I'm at home'

I ran to the car and drive as quickly as I could to the Ateara house. Old Quil was waiting for me and let me in to go to Willows room. I knocked on her door and she let me in. We sat opposite each other on her bed.

'Do you know?' she asked.

'Know what?'

'Know about Embry. And the boys. And Leah' she had started to pace now, 'Embry said they're wolves. Wolves! Like in the stories Grandpa told me when I was growing up. That all the stories are true.'

'Yeah Willow. I know.'

'You didn't tell me. None of you told me' she said softly, looking betrayed as she sat back down next to me.

'I'm sorry Willow, we weren't allowed to tell you until Embry had spoken to you first. Sams rules' I explained.

'Sams rules?'

'Yeah. Sam is the pack Alpha so we have to follow his rules. Sometimes. His Alpha gaze doesn't work on me' I joked.

'They're wolves'

'Yes. But they're not scary. Actually, they're kind of cute and cuddly'

'This is so weird'

'Yes I know. But hey, at least now you know.'

'Did a wolf do that to Emilys face? To your stomach?' Willow asked.

'Yeah, Sam phased too close to Emily and Paul phased too close to me. They both got angry at us and were stood too close' I explained.

'That's awful'

'Paul was devastated when it happened but it wasn't his fault. I pissed him off big time and he has a short temper at the best of times. Although he is getting a lot better. So if one of the guys or Leah starts to shake near you, step back several spaces for your own safety!' I warned her.

'Embry also spoke to me about imprinting. Is that why you and Paul are all gross together? Why Emily and Sam are all cutesy? Am I going to turn out like that with Embry?'

'Willow breathe. Imprinting is an issue I've had before but I fell in love with Pau before I knew he'd imprinted on me. He didn't tell me straight away which made me so mad when I finally found out. I found it weird but then I spoke to Billy about it and he reassured me that it's nothing weird, it's natural and normal so I don't freak out about it any more' 

I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly, knowing that she needed comforting.

'Will you stay tonight?' she asked.

'Sure, but I need feeding'

She laughed and went downstairs to grab us both food and drinks and I texted Sam and Paul to let them know where I was and that I wouldn't be home until the following day. Paul wasn't happy to be away from me but he understood that I needed to be here for Willow.

It was fun to have a girly sleepover without the pack being around. Willow had a lot of questions that I tried my best to answer. We fell asleep together on Willows bed surrounded by the junk food we had swiped from the kitchen.

The next morning, we were woken up by Willows alarm clock - she had to head to school. I groaned as Willow got up and started to get ready.

'Come on Katie, if you stay here all day Paul and Sam will send a search party' she teased.

'But it's so early!'

'That's because school starts early Katie. Or for some of us it does anyway'

I slowly got out of bed and groaned when I saw Willow was already up and dressed and looking at me expectantly.

'You make me feel cheap, kicking me out after we spent the night together' I teased her as I stretched.

Willow rolled her eyes at me as I grabbed my things and followed her downstairs. I said hi to Mrs Ateara and Old Quil and stole some of Willows toast.

'I can drive Willow to school this morning if you like Mrs Ateara? I'll be going past on my way home' I offered.

'Really? That would be a great help Katie, I'm running so late this morning' she said thankfully.

'Will you drive me too?' Quil asked, joining us.

'Sure Quil. We're going now though'

'Thank you Katie' Mrs Ateara thanked me again as I ushered the twins out of the house and to the car. They bickered over who got to sit in the front (Willow won) and I drove the fighting twins to school. I got out of the car with them when I saw Isla. The twins hugged me good bye just as Isla spotted me and ran over.

'Katie I missed you! What are you doing here?' she asked.

'Just dropping off the Ateara twins. I stayed at theirs last night with Willow and this is on my way home' I explained.

'What is that?!' she exclaimed, spotting the ring on my finger. 'Are you engaged? To Paul? That is so awesome, when is the wedding?'

'We haven't got a date yet but when we do I promise you will get an invite'

'Good! I'll see you soon' she ran off as the bell rang for the start of school.

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