Chapter Forty One

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It was Sams wedding day and I was with the girls getting ready. We were in my old room as Emily didn't want our chaotic energy around her as her mom helped her to get dressed. Kim, Leah, and Willow had matching gold bridesmaids dresses on and I was in a shorter silver one as Sams best man. Sam had told me Emilys family were still fighting his decision but he insisted I stayed by his side as his only request for the day.

'You look gorgeous Katie' Willow complimented me.

'Me? What about you guys? The boys will be drooling over you like mad.' I replied.

'I can't believe we have to have identical dresses. I can't pull this off' Leah grumbled.

'Yes, you can Leah. And you will. For Emily' Sue told her, coming in to the room to check up on us.

Leah rolled her eyes at her mum and turned back to the mirror to check her hair and make up.

'Katie if you're ready Sam wants you to join him.' Sue told me.

'Sure, I'll go now. Behave while I'm gone,' I told the girls with a wink, knowing they were too hyped up to focus.

'Hey Sammy, don't you look smart' I complimented him, walking in to my house where he had stayed the night with the pack.

'Hey Katie, you look beautiful' he replied, hugging me carefully so he didn't mess up my hair or makeup.

'How are you feeling?' I asked him.

'Nervous. Paul and Jared were being little shits last night which didn't help,' he said, trying to fix his tie with shaking hands.

'Ignore them Sammy. You and Emily were made for each other and today is going to be perfect' I reassured him, taking over doing his tie.

'He can't ignore the truth Kitty' Paul laughed as he and Jared joined us.

'What truth would that be?'

'That he's tying himself to one woman forever.'

'You're literally planning to do the same thing with me you idiot' I glared at him.

'Shush Kitty, that's different.'

I shook my head at him in disbelief. I finished helping Sam get ready and the four of us walked to the edge of the woods where it was all set up for the wedding. The pack, our families, and a couple of other chosen people were here and we greeted as many as we could as we made our way to the front.

Old Quil was stood waiting to officiate the ceremony as the oldest living member of the tribe. He started talking to Sam so I turned to Paul and Jared.

'Both of you are in serious trouble after what you told Sam last night' I told them sternly.

'Aw, come on Katie, it was fun' Jared smirked. 'Did you guys not tease Emily last night?'

'Are you kidding? She spent the whole night telling gross cutesy stories about her and Sam. I'm surprised Leah didn't attack her. I was close.'

'We drank and told dirty jokes.'

'I wish we had. It may have been more fun. Although Willow and Kim told me interesting things about you and Embry.' I told Jared.

Jared was about to ask me what was said when Old Quil and Sam moved in to place - it was time to begin the wedding! Willow and Kim walked down the aisle first, then Leah, and finally Emily escorted by her dad. Sams jaw dropped when he saw her which was kinda cute.

The ceremony was pretty quick - they swore to love each other forever, no one objected, all good. Then it was time for the part I was looking forward to - the party. There was no 'top table' like I thought Emily would have wanted. Instead, we were all sat in small groups whilst Sam and Emily had their own small table for just the two of them. People were enjoying the food and drinks and were talking to each other softly.

Sam stood up and everyone went quiet. It was time for the speeches.

'Hey everyone, I'm not one for speeches but I wanted to thank you all for joining my new wife and I on our wedding day' he said with a grin. 'Here's to our first day of many together as husband and wife.'

Everyone cheered and clapped as they kissed and looked at each other all gross and loving. Everyone went quiet again as I stood to make my own speech.

'Hey guys, best man here. A little unconventional best man but hey, we never do things by the book, do we Sammy?' I grinned, 'I was going to spend this time telling embarrassing stories about you but I was convinced not to. Instead I'm just going to wish you guys the best of luck in your marriage and I hope it is a long and happy one.'

Sam came over to give me a big hug but Emily still kept her distance. 'Thanks Katie' he whispered.

Sam and Emily headed to the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple. Sam looked so happy for the first time in weeks. Paul pulled me closer to him and kissed me softly.

'I love you Kitty'

'I love you too.'

'Come on, lets go join them' Paul suggested.


'Yeah, lets go'

He took my hand and dragged me to the floor to join them. A few others joined us as well. It was nice to slow dance with Paul. We didn't do it often enough. As more and more people joined us on the dance floor, it got a bit packed so Paul and I went over to see my mum who was sat by herself looking a little lost.

'Hey mom' I greeted as we sat with her.

'Hey Katie, hey Paul. I see congratulations are in order.' she motioned to my engagement ring.

'Thanks. I'm sorry we didn't tell you when it happened. I just didn't know how.'

'It's okay. I'm glad I know now.' she smiled.

'We don't have a date set yet mom but when we do I'd like you to come.'

'Really?' she asked in surprise.

'Yeah. Really. I know our relationship isn't the best but you're still my mom and I'm willing to work on it if you are.'

'I'd like that Katie. Thanks.'

'Sure. Um, so we're going to make the rounds. Will you be okay?' I asked.

'Of course Katie, I'll come find you before I leave.'

Paul and I headed over to Kim and Jared were sat back at our table. Kim was surprised when I told her that my mom wasn't terrible towards us and actually seemed happy with her invite to the wedding.

'Have you started making plans for your wedding yet?' Jared asked.

'No. We should probably start planning though babe.' I told Paul.

'You're already mine Kitty. There's no rush to have a ceremony.'

'I want it to be soon though. I don't like waiting' I reminded him.

'Do you still want to graduate first?' Kim asked.

'Yup. I'm on track to graduate just after Christmas and Paul is going to graduate by summer.' I replied, 'I'm also looking in to how I can open my own tutoring business officially instead of just doing it for the younger kids.'

'That would be perfect for you Katie' she said excitedly.

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