Chapter Seventeen

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It was only half 10 when Paul and I returned home and the whole pack was there.

'Good date?' Kim asked.

'Wasn't the worst night of my life' I told her.

'Hey!' Paul protested.

Everyone laughed at his upset face.

'I'm kidding. Mostly' I told him.

'Well as your best girl friend, I need a complete date run down so come on!' Kim announced, dragging me up to my room.

'Seriously Kim? We're doing this whole cliché thing, chatting about boys all the time?' I laughed, throwing myself on to the bed.

'Not all the time. But defo after your first date with Paul who you, and I quote 'don't like like that'' she teased.

'Okay, okay. Point taken'

'So? Come on, spill!' she demanded.

'Ugh, fine, we went to dinner and then for a walk along the beach' I told her with a shrug.

'Why the secretive smile then?' she asked.

'What smile?'

'That one! Wait, did you two? DID YOU TWO HAVE SEX?!' she shouted happily.

'Shut up!' I told her, praying that none of the boys had heard her downstairs.

No such luck.

'Katie, get down here!' Embry shouted.

I rushed downstairs with Kim close on my heels. We burst into the living room and the sight was terrifying. Jared was standing protectively in front of Emily who was in the corner. Embry was stood between Sam and Paul who were stood facing each other shaking worse than I've ever seen before. I thought they were going to phase any second.

'Kim stay back' Jared told her, a frightened look in his eyes that his imprint may get hurt.

'What the hell is happening here?' I asked.

'We heard what you and Kim were talking about happened on your date' Embry explained, 'Sam kinda exploded and I though he was going to phase and attack Paul so I called you down. Don't go near them Katie, they're both close to phasing right now'

'Embry, take Paul out to calm him down' I told him, 'Jared, take Emily and Kim out of the room'

'We're not leaving you alone' Jared protested.

'Do it'

They all left, leaving me alone with Sam who was still shaking - although Paul was very reluctant to leave and Embry had to drag him out of the room.

'Sam? It's just me here now. Please can you just calm down a little so that we can talk about what happened without me being terrified that you're gonna phase in front of me?' I begged.

'I would never hurt you Katie'

'I know Sam' I said, stepping closer to him 'But we need to talk about this Sam. You can't get mad at Paul every time something happens between the two of us. It's not fair'

'You're my little sister Katie, I need to protect you'

'I know you do Sam but I'm old enough to make my own decisions now. Especially when it comes to my own body' I explained to him softly. 

'I just don't want you to go back to how you were at boarding school Katie. I heard all the stories from your head teacher about what went down'

'I won't end up like that again Sam. I'm home with people who love me. You know I'll be fine'

Sam said nothing for a moment, but then he came over and hugged me tightly.

'I want to trust you Katie I just keep thinking of the worst case scenario'

'I know Sam but I'll be home schooled so I'll be around people all the time and nothing bad will happen' I promised him.

'Just tell me what you need from me Katie' he said, almost in defeat.

'I need you to accept me and Paul as a couple and trust that I can look after myself sometimes'

'Only for you Katie' he hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

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