Chapter Twenty Six

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When we made it to the beach, Isla, Lucas, Josh, and Abi were setting up the bonfire and getting out drinks and food.

'Oh look, it's the happy couple!' Lucas called when he spotted us.

'Katie!' Isla screamed as she ran and threw herself at me.

'I missed you too Isla' I chuckled.

'You've been MIA for months' she accused me.

'I know, I'm sorry. I was going through some stuff at home' I told her, feeling guilty as hell for lying to her.

'But you're better now?' Abi asked, joining us.


'I thought a night away from the house might do her some good' Paul told them.

'We thought we'd come down a little earlier to see you guys but where are the others?' I asked.

'They should be here soon' Lucas told me.

'Good because I need to see all of you' I laughed, happy to be around them again.

Tara, Lucy, and Tom arrived soon after to help us finish setting up and then everyone who had been invited started to arrive in groups. We all grabbed drinks and ate and started to party as the music began to play and the bonfire was lit. I was convinced that I had seen Jared, Kim, Embry, Quil, and Jacob but I had lost sight of them quickly in the crowds. Isla, Abi, and I danced near the bonfire as the others sat close by and watched us. I'd forgotten how much fun it was to be normal and not have to worry about the pack or vampires. I ended up sitting next to Paul on the sand surrounded by our friends who were catching us up on the gossip we had missed at school.

At midnight the party got broken up by Chief Swan who had come down to the rez. We all quickly went our separate ways so we didn't get into even more trouble and Paul led me over to where Jared and Kim seemed to be waiting for us. I knew I'd seen them! The boys joined us and we all walked back to Sam and Emilys place together, trying to be quiet as we snuck through the door. It didn't work and Sam and Emily woke up after Embry knocked in to the table and knocked a bowl on the floor!

They didn't mind though, Emily made us all drink water, especially Kim and I since we were a lot drunker than the boys thanks to their wolf natures. I ended up with Paul, Embry, Quil and Jacob in my room for some reason but I didn't mind too much as they made nice radiators on a cold night.

I woke up the next morning squashed between the four boys and had to carefully move myself so that I didn't wake them up. I went to the kitchen where Kim and Emily were already up and eating breakfast.

'Are the boys still asleep?' Emily asked.

'Yeah, they're all knocked out' 

'Bless them. I bet this is the first half decent nights sleep they've had in a while'

'I had to climb over them to get out of bed, I'm surprised they didn't wake up' I chuckled.

'We did wake up' Embry said as the boys all came downstairs, 'You kicked me in the face!'

'Oops, I'm sorry!' I tried not to laugh at him hurt expression, 'In my defence, it's not like I could move any of you so I had to climb over'

'I'll forgive you if you let me have your bacon' he compromised.

'Deal' I replied, handing it over and taking some from Pauls plate instead.

'Do you have any plans today Kitty?' Paul asked quietly as the others ate and talked around us.

'Just tutoring the younger ones this afternoon. Why?'

'We're going out' he responded.

I kept asking where we were going, wanting to know some details. Any details. But Paul refused to tell me anything, knowing I didn't like surprises. I had no idea what to wear so I had to improvise. I went for a purple bodysuit, black skinny jeans, and matching purple boots so that I was ready for almost any setting. We ended up taking a walk along the sea front. Families were on the beach since it was the weekend and it was fun to watch them as we wandered to the wooded area where some trees had fallen that we could sit on.

I loved spending time alone like this with Paul. Don't get me wrong, I loved being around the pack, they were my family, but sometimes it was nice when it was just Paul and I.

'So I brought you out here for a reason Kitty' Paul spoke up suddenly, breaking my thoughts.

'Okay, I'm listening. I'm curious' I teased.

'I love you Kitty, you know that right?' he asked nervously.

'Paul, what is it? You're making me nervous like you're going to break up with me or something' I said worridly.

'No Kitty, it's nothing like that. I promise. I love you Kitty. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together and I want everyone to know you're mine and I am yours. Will you marry me?'

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