Chapter Three

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I met Jared and Paul at the car at the end of the day to go home.

'Hey Katie, good day?' Jared asked.

'Yeah, thanks. It's different to my last school though'

'You mean cause you go home afterwards?' he joked as we got in the car.

'I was thinking more about the lack of uniforms, more freedom, and easier work' I told them.

'You think the work here is easy?' Jared asked, shocked.

'I used to do Latin and Ancient Greek. Today I did French. I've spoken fluent French since I was 10'

'You're a nerd' he replied.

'Better than being a dork like you' I retaliated, sticking my tongue out at him.

'I like this kid' Paul laughed.

We were still laughing and joking as we walked into the house, dumped our bags, and headed straight to the kitchen. Sam and Emily were sat at the table watching us as we grabbed cookies from the plate on the work top.

'Good day Katie?' Emily asked.

'Sure. A little different to what I'm used to, but I'll adjust fine'

'What was boarding school like?' she asked curiously.

'It was good. It was an all girls boarding school in the middle of nowhere. We did 8 classes a day including a coupe of ancient languages and we had to participate in at least 3 different sports' I trailed off.

'It sounds like hell' Jared muttered.

'It wasn't actually, I enjoyed it. I like Latin and games like Lacrosse. I learnt a lot at boarding school'

'You seem to habe turned out alright' Sam observed, 'I am glad you're home in the real world though. You hear all kinds of weird stories about kids who go to boarding schools all their lives'

'Is that why you made her come home?' Jared asked.

'No, she came home for another reaon which is up to her to disclose if she wants to' Sam replied.

They looked at me expectantly. I sighed heavily.

'I may have broken a few of the rules'

'Explain' Jared demanded.

'Um, i smoked, drank alcohol, and sneaked guys into the dorms. They're like the three major rules at that place so it was 'advised' that I left the school of my own accord' I explained.

'You're rebellious. I like it' Paul smirked.

'Paul' Sam warned.

'What?! She's a rule breaker. I like it'

'She's my sister so back off'

'Please don't go all lame older brother protective Sam. It's really not cool at all' I told him.

'Well then don't encourage him Katie!'

'But he's fun' I pouted.

Paul, Jared, and Emily all laughed at us. I was just as stubborn as Sam at times.

'Oh, before I forget, Kim is hoping to meet you tonight' Jared told me.

'Kim is your girlfriend right?' I clarified.


'Spunds good, wait, what's tonight?' I asked.

'Beach party. The top years at school are all going' he explained.

'Oh okay'

'Don't worry, Kim said she would come over here soon to meet you and help you choose something to wear. She mentioned that you might be unsure on the dress code' he told me.

'That's kind of her. Thanks Jared' I replied.

'I think you should go in your swim suit' Paul added.

'I think I should punch your face' Sam retaliated and he started shaking so I guessed he must have been madder than I thought. He stopped though as soon as Emily placed a hand on his shoulder.

'Sam, calm down. He's just being annoying on purpose. Ignore him' I told my brother.

He rolled his eyes and pulled Emily towards him when a knock sounded through the house. Jared stood up and grinned.

'That's gotta be Kim. I'll be back'

He rushed off to get the door and came back with a girl I recognised from a few of my classes.

'Hey Katie! I'm Kim, it's good to meet you' she said as soon as she saw me.

'You too'

'Did Jared tell you about the party tonight?' she asked me.

'Yeah. He also mentioned you might be able to help me choose what to wear?'

'Of course! Lets go up to your room' she said happily.

'Wear something hot!' Paul shouted as we walked up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes as I led Kim to my room. I could hear Jared laughing at something so I guessed Sam had said or done something to Paul after his comment.

'So, welcome to my room' I said awkwardly.

'It's gorgeous'


'Alright, sit. I'll see what you have to wear tonight'

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