Chapter Two

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I awoke early the next day so I could shower before school. Sam insisted I went on Friday even though I wanted to wait until Monday, but I was still going to make a good first impression. I wore a thin black blouse, black jeggings, and black heeled boots. I straightened my hair, and applied a small amount of make up.

Once I was ready, I took my bag and headed downstairs for some breakfast. I dumped my bag at the bottom of the stairs and headed into the kitchen.

Sam, Emily, Jared, and Paul were sat around the table, already eating and talking. I grabbed some toast from the stack and joined them.

'Don't you have homes of your own to go to?' I asked Jared and Paul.

'Of course we do, but have you tasted Emily's food?' Jared commented.

'True. It is delicious' I agreed.

'Paul and Jared are gonna ride to and from school with you' Sam told me.

'Oh great!' I replied sarcastically.

'Speaking of, we should go soon' Jared said, looking at the clock on the wall.

'Two seconds' I told him, getting up from the table.

I quickly ran upstairs to brush my teeth and check my appearance one last time before going back downstairs and grabbing my bag. I went back to the kitchen where Jared and Paul were just finishing eating.

'I'm ready to go now' I told them.

'Alright, lets go!' Jared cheered, heading out to his car.

'Have a good day Katie, don't be nervous, you'll do amazing' Sam told me, hugging me tightly.

'The boys haven't told you this so I will, you look beautiful today Katie, knock them dead' Emily said to me quietly.

'Thanks, see you later guys'

I joined Paul and Jared in the car and kept quiet the whole drive as the guys laughed and joked with each other. The journey was way too short as we arrived at my new school way too quickly for my liking. I joined Paul and Jared in front of the car as I looked at it in horror. It was a lot larger than I was used to!

'You ready Katie?' Paul asked.

'Nope. Want to skive with me?'

'Tempting but I don't want Sam to kill me'

'Please?' I pouted.

'Okay, while you two flirt, I'm gonna go find Kim' Jared told us, leaving us alone.

'Come on Katie, I'll take you to the office' Paul offered.


Everyone was staring at me as we walked into the school which made me feel really uncomfortable. I hated being the freaky new girl who didn't know anyone.

'Stop freaking out Katie, you're gonna be fine' Paul told me.

'You don't know that' I responded.

'I do. Now come on' he led me to the office, 'Miss Everts, this is Katie Uley. She needs her timetable and locker combo and stuff'

'Of course. Nice to meet you Katie, let me get your things sorted' she told me.

'Katie, I gotta go to class okay? I'll see you in a bit' Paul said, leaving me in the office alone.

Miss Everts came back with a stack of paper and an apologetic face.

'I'm sorry Katie but I have a few forms for you to fill out please as we haven't received any information from your previous school yet' she told me.

'No problem' I replied, taking the forms from her.

I sat at a small table in the office and started filling out the forms. They required the usual stuff: name, birthday, next of kin, previous school, etc. As I was finishing up, another member of staff approached me.

'You must be Miss Uley, I'm Principle Delgado' he introduced.

'Hello' I replied, standing up 'I think this is everything' I told Miss Everts, handing her the forms back.

'Thank you dear' she replied.

'Come with me Miss Uley and I'll take you to your first lesson' Principle Delgado told me.

I followed him out of the office and down the hallways until we reached a classroom I assumed to be my English class. Principle Delgado opened the door and the whole class went silent as we entered the room.

'Mrs Sheridan, class, this is your new classmate Katie Uley. Please make her feel welcome' he told them, then left.

'Welcome Katie, would you like to tell the class a little about yourself before you sit down?' she asked.

'Not really thanks' I replied.

There was a few laughs as Mrs Sheridan looked at me unimpressed.

'That was a rhetorical question Katie. Do you know what one of them is?'

'It's a question that doesn't require an answer' I told her.

'Well done. Now tell us about yourself please'

'Fine. My full name is Katherine Uley but if you call me Katherine then I will punch you because I'm called Katie. Um, I just moved home from boarding school and that's about it'

'I don't condone violence Katie. Please go sit next to Isla' she told me, pointing to a spare seat.

I noticed it was in front of Paul. Oh great! Isla looked like a really nice girl though.

'Hey, nice to meet you Katie' she greeted, 'Don't think I've ever seen anyone stand up to Mrs Sheridan like that, it was so good!'


'Cool boots, where did you get them?'

'Um, Paris. My old school took us on a trip there' I told her hesitantly.

'Wow, must have been a good school then!'

'Something like that'

We were put to work with the people behind us so Isla and I were working with Paul and his friend Lucas.

'Time to see how smart you are Kitty Kat' Paul teased.

'Kitty Kat? You two know each other already?' Lucas asked.

'Yeah, remember I said she's Sams sister?'

'Oh yeah'

'Wait, Sam is your brother?' Isla asked happily.

'Yes.....' I said hesitantly.

'Oh my gosh, he's super cute!' she told me.

'He is also engaged'


'Okay, gross, that is my brother'

'Sorry Katie, come on, lets do this'

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