Chapter Twenty Nine

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The pack left late that night and Paul carried me upstairs to bed as he knew I was too tired to walk up the stairs.

'I like Willow' I told Paul sleepily.

'I like her too Kitty' he replied, kissing my forehead as he slipped in to bed next to me.

'I texted Quil and asked him to bring her over again tomorrow'

'I'm glad you have a new friend Kitty. Quil will be happy his sister is being included'


I met Willow by the front door the next morning with a huge hug and dragged her up to my room leaving Quil still stood in the doorway watching us go. I had to kick Paul out of bed but it was worth it to spend more time with Willow and get to know her a little bit more.

'Don't look so worried Willow, I didn't invite you over to ritually sacrifice you! I just thought it might be nice for us to hang out more so Quil isn't the only person you know' I told her with a small laugh.

'Thanks, Quil is good and all but I don't really know anyone else. Embry and Jacob have changed so much since I saw them last, I don't feel like I know them anymore'

'They're good kids. I think they've changed for the better in the short time that I've known them anyway'

We spent the morning in my room, talking and getting to know each other. I told her about the first time I met Paul and how he proposed to me. Willow told me about the first time she met Jacob and Embry when they were all about 6 years old.

'Can I ask you something else?' She asked hesitantly.

'Sure, ask away'

'Do your parents not hate how you're engaged to Paul so young and so soon after meeting him? Like I'm not judging, I think it is adorable, I just don't think my mum would be too happy if I was in your position'

'I don't know my dad. He hasn't ever been in my life and I don't get on with my mum. Sam is actually my legal guardian, that's why I live with him and he's okay with it. Paul asked him and everything.' I explained, 'As for the age thing who cares right? I know that Paul is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.'

'That's pretty cute. I hope I find that one day. Willow admitted.

'Maybe you will with Embry?' I teased.

'That's not going to happen' she denied.

'I'm going to make it my new mission to get the two of you together' I promised her.

Emily shouted us both downstairs so we ran down to the kitchen. I sat on Pauls lap and attacked him with kisses.

'Ew, can you please stop the puke fest?' Jacob asked as he came and joined us.

'No I can't' I replied.

'You're just jealous Black' Paul added, 'you can always leave if you don't like it. Not like you live here'

'Neither do you Lahote' Jake retaliated.

'No but Kitty does which means I do by default'

'Okay, lets not argue' Emily said quickly, 'here, eat'

She placed some sandwiches on the table in front of us which made the guys stop arguing as they stuffed their faces.

'Are you girls joining us for cliff diving this afternoon?' Paul asked.

'Definitely' I agreed immediately.

'What's cliff diving?' Willow asked.

'Remember the cliffs at the beach yesterday? Well basically we climb to the top and throw ourselves off the top. Only Leah and I go out of us girls so don't worry if you don't wanna go' I explain to her.

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