Chapter Thirty

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Oh my god is this an actual update for all of you?! It's not very long and is kinda a filler chapter so I apologise for that. Please enjoy :) 

The pack had a relatively quiet week lazing around the house and the boys occasionally going on patrol. That was until Bella and her vampires ruined it all by sending Jacob an invitation to her wedding. He had immediately phased and run away - we hadn't seen him since - the pack thought he was somewhere near the Canadian border. They couldn't be sure though as Jacob was giving in to his animalistic instincts.

I was sad that I couldn't talk to Jacob but I was distracted by Embry and Willow who were slowly beginning to spend more and more time together which I thought was adorable! Paul was currently out on patrol so Embry and I were curled up on my bed watching trashy movies, eating junk food, and catching up on each others news.

'Have you told Willow about the whole wolf pack and imprint thing yet?' I asked him curiously.

'Not yet. But we are going on a date next week.' he confessed.

I squealed at the news, happy that he was finally making a move.

'If it goes well then I think I will tell her'

'Well let me know either way Embry, then I can be there for her and for you if it is needed.'

'Thanks Katie'

We had been watching movies for a while before anyone disturbed us and it wasn't Paul like I thought. It was Willow and Quil. Willow looked a little bit upset when she saw Embry and I sat closely together but she tried to hide her expression.

'Hey guys, come join us' I told them, moving away from Embry to make a bit more room.

Willow hesitantly joined us where as Quil jumped on to the bed and wrestled me in to a hug.

'Well hey there Ateara! I'm not complaining but what's with the sudden outburst of affection for me?' I teased him.

'I came here for a hug and I just feel so attacked right now' he acted offended.

'Alright, come here then' I wriggled about so I was more comfortable and opened my arms so that I could properly hug Quil.

'Katie gives the most motherly hugs ever' Embry explained to Willow.

'You boys are my babies, I'm obviously going to mother you a little' I laughed.

'Soon you'll be married though Katie, with your own kids and you'll forget all about us' Embry pretended to cry and I rolled my eyes at his dramatic statement.

'You'll be fine, don't be so dramatic!' I told him.

Quil and Embry left shortly after. I knew it was because they were going on patrol but they told Willow they were helping Sam (which wasn't far from the truth). Willow and I sat in silence, a movie playing in the background for a while before she spoke.

'I don't want to sound like a jealous girl Katie, but has anything ever happened between you and Embry?' she asked hesitantly.

'Oh Willow, no' I said softly, 'there has never been anything between me and Embry except friendship'


'I love him like a little brother. He's trusted me with some things and I've trusted him but it's never been romantic. I mean, Paul is my soulmate and I'm never going to ruin that'

'I'm sorry Katie, I'm just really worried because he's asked me on a date next week and I walked in here and you were curled up together and I'm just a bit all over the place I guess.'

'Don't freak Willow. For starters, Paul would never let any of the guys look at me like that, he's very protective' I chuckled, 'You're going to have an amazing time with Embry. Leah, Kim, Emily and I can come over before hand and help you get ready if you want?' I offered.

'You'd do that for me?'

'Of course! You're part of us now Willow and we all look out for one another' I promised her.

Willow excitedly told me all of the details of her date. It was cute how happy she seemed - I just hoped it would go well and Embry told her about the pack so that we could stop lying to her about it.

The date came way too quickly. It was Wednesday and Emily and I were at Willows waiting for Willow, Leah, and Kim to come home from school. Emily and I had already lined up four outfits for Willow to choose from by the time the others had joined us and we quickly pushed Willow towards the shower as we found shoes to match each of her outfits.

Leah began to dry Willows hair after her shower and Kim went on a hunt in the kitchen for drinks and snacks.

'Okay so we've picked out some different outfits for you to choose from' Emily told Willow, 'Do you want to wear a dress, skirt, or pants?'

'Dress or a skirt I think' Willow decided.

'Okay, that leaves us with three options'

'My vote is the skirt and the body suit Willow. It looks cute and the shoes are wearable wherever he takes you' I told her.

'I agree, the skirt is super cute' Leah agreed.

'Skirt it is then' Willow decided.

When Kim returned, we started to do Willows hair and make up. I curled her hair so it was in big curls and Kim did Willows make up in soft browns to make her look natural. She looked super cute!

There was a knock on the door downstairs and Old Quil shouted up to Willow. We all headed downstairs with her to see her and Embry together before the date. He rolled his eyes at us when he saw us. Willow hugged us all tightly.

'Remember I'm here for you, no matter what' I whispered as she hugged me.

Willow looked confused but she nodded at me and left hand in hand with Embry. We waited five minutes so that we wouldn't be following them, said goodbye to Old Quil, and headed to mine to hang out with the pack for a little while.

Only Paul, Jared and Seth were there as the rest of them were out on patrol. Sam was worried about Jacob and worried that the wedding between Bella and the vampire meant she may be turned soon. Which was a violation of the treaty.

'Embry looked so nervous!' Leah told the boys as we sat outside the house.

'I patrolled with him this morning and it's all he was thinking about' Jared said.

'It's cute that he's nervous! He wants it to go well and he's worried that Willow will react badly if he decides to tell her about the pack.' I defended Embry.

'I hope he tells her, then we don't have to worry about what we say in front of her' Paul muttered.

'It's not exactly something you just spring on someone' I reminded him.

We sat talking for a while, it was a nice night out and slowly the pack joined us and switched with Leah and Seth on patrol.

Then I got a call from Willow....

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