Chapter Thirty Nine

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Our flight that evening came way too quickly and I was sad to be leaving Camden and Riley. They both promised to come visit the rez soon when they got a day off and I promised to invite them to the wedding once Paul and I had chosen a date.

'You know Emily actually enjoyed last night' Leah whispered to me when we were on the plane.

'I find that hard to believe'

'I'm serious Katie, she told me last night in between spewing.'

'Then why is she still acting like I have the plague or something?' I asked her.

'Because she hates to be wrong. She always did even when we were kids'

'Well she needs to grow up because I'm the child here' I rolled my eyes.

'Have you talked to Sam about it?' she asked.

'He's a little weirded out but he's hoping it will blow over after the wedding.'

'Even if it doesn't, you won't be living there much longer so you won't have to deal with her much anyway.'

We all slept on the plane ride home and grabbed a taxi home. We dropped off Willow and Kim and Leah joined Emily and I back to our house.

Paul ran out to the car as soon as we pulled up and hugged me tightly.

'I missed you Kitty' he whispered.

'I missed you too'

'The house is nearly ready for us. Do you want to have a tour?' he asked, 'You can come too Leah.'

'Yay, thanks' she smiled.

We went in the house and I gasped when I saw how much work they had done.

'Sam paid them extra to work a load of overtime to rush it so we can move in before the wedding' Paul explained, 'Come on, I'll show you around.'

The rooms were gorgeous - they had all been decorated and carpets had been installed. Paul and I would just have to go furniture shopping which I knew he was going to hate!

'So I was thinking this room could be for you and the girls Leah' Paul told her, opening one of the rooms upstairs.

'Wait, we get our own room?' she asked in disbelief.

'Of course Lee Lee, I want you to feel welcome here.'

'I love you Katie' she grinned.

'I love you too, but it's only a room'

'Can I decorate it? Or at least help?'

'A little but not loads cos we told the guys they weren't allowed to.'

Once we had toured the rest of the house, Paul and I headed to his dads house for the night and dropped Leah off home on our way past. His dad was out of town again but I wanted to avoid Emily as much as possible before the wedding.

'We can go shopping tomorrow for some stuff for the house if you'd like Kitty' Paul suggested.

'Really?' I said excitedly.

'Yeah, and I have an extra surprise for you' he said teasingly, 'dad wants to contribute towards the house and has given us some money for when we go shopping.'

'Seriously? Aww Paul that's so nice of him! He didn't have to do that.'

'I think he's happy I've found someone as awesome as you and wants to celebrate that.'

'I'm down for that.'

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