Chapter Forty Six

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Christmas went off without an issue. The meal managed to impress everybody and despite Sams teasing, no one got food poisoning. The pack had a small New Years Eve party on the beach which was amazing. We had a giant fire and let off a bunch of fireworks at midnight.

It was the first week in January and it was finally my graduation day! I was so excited! I had managed to graduate in my original time frame. The whole pack was coming to the ceremony and mom had asked to come as well. I was surprised but happy that she wanted to come.

'Wow! You look gorgeous Kitty!' Paul complimented me when I came downstairs all dressed up.

'Me? Look how handsome you look in your suit! Makes me want to go back upstairs and strip it off you' I teased, kissing him softly so I didn't leave lipstick marks on him.

'Save that for after the ceremony' he winked 'are you ready to go? The pack has already gone.'

'Yeah. Lets go'

Paul drove us to the high school where a small ceremony was being held for the small number of us who had graduated early. He left me near the front doors to go and meet the pack whilst I went to find the classroom where I could get my cap and gown.

'Hey Isla' I greeted happily when I saw her.

'Hey yourself gorgeous girl. I can't believe we're both graduating today' she squealed.

'I know, I'm so excited' I told her as we finished helping each other in to our gowns.

I knew Leah was going to be taking pictures so I wanted to look amazing. Isla and I lined up with the other graduates and one of the teachers led us to the hall.

The ceremony was boring as hell. The teachers talked, congratulated us, we received our diplomas and done. It was all very anti climatic to be honest.

The pack was waiting for me outside and they all hugged me tightly. Mom was stood off to one side but she was smiling proudly.

Leah made us all take pictures whilst I was still in my cap and gown. She knew I would want some for the house.

'Mom, come here. I want a picture with you and then a family picture with you and Sam' I told her, beckoning her over.

'I'm family too Katie' Emily reminded me.

'I know Em' I rolled my eyes, 'But I want a picture with just my blood family. We haven't had one in years and this is a cute opportunity.'

She started to sulk but stayed out of the way as Leah took our photos. Sam quickly took Emily away before she caused a scene and mom looked really awkward. Leah left us to take some cute photos of the pack and Paul came to join mom and I.

'Don't worry about Emily, Mrs Uley. She's just going through some stuff' Paul reassured her.

'She seems a but jealous and possessive' mom muttered.

'She wasn't always. There's been a small shift in our friend group dynamic and I don't think Emily is too happy with her new position' he explained.

'As long as Sam and Katie are safe around her.'

'Kitty will always protect Sam and I will always protect Kitty' Paul promised.

'I appreciate that' mom smiled at him 'I should go Katie. Thank you for inviting me today. I'm proud of you.'

She hugged me and almost looked like she was going to cry as she handed me an envelope.

'Just a little graduation present' she said as she left.

Mom had already got in to her car by the time I had gotten over the shock of her getting me a present. I opened the envelope and found a card and a cheque for a lot of money!


Congratulations on your graduation. I'm so proud of you. Consider this me making up for missing your birthdays and Christmas over the last few years. Sam mentioned you wanted to start your own business so hopefully this will help get you started.

Love mom x

I nearly cried as I read the card. It was so sweet and unexpected. Mom was trying to mend things. She cared.

'Your mom is making a lot of effort lately Kitty' Paul commented, reading the card over my shoulder.

'I know. It's weird. But it's nice' I replied. 'She's not pushing in to our lives too much but she appreciates being involved in big events and it's working.'

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