Chapter Twenty Five

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Paul was still asleep when I woke up the next morning so I snuck out of bed to get ready without him getting in my way. I spent time to do my hair and make up since I wasn't in a rush like other mornings and I chose something cute to wear. Paul woke up just as I had finished getting ready.

'Good morning Kitty' he greeted, coming over to give me a kiss, 'give me a minute and I'll get dressed so that we can go down for breakfast together'

Paul quickly got dressed and carried me down to the kitchen. He placed me down gently on the chair next to him. It was surprisingly quiet for a change, none of the pack apart from Sam and Emily were with us though I knew it wouldn't last for very long.

'How long do you think it will take for Jake to get better?' I asked Sam.

'He should be better now but Billy is going to keep him home for a few days just to make sure and he's not phasing for a week. Maybe longer if I can help it' he replied.

'Jake is fine' Embry announced as he walked in to the kitchen with the pack, 'Quil and I checked on him before we came here'

'Good. Although I would've enjoyed killing Bella if he was permanently injured' 

'You can't keep threatening to kill her Kitty' Paul chuckled.

'Not a threat if you plan on following it through. Cos I totally would' I responded.

'Katie, stop it. Bella is not our problem anymore' Sam told me, 'Now can you act serious for a second?'

'Sure, what's up?'

'Collin and Bradys parents would like to meet with you' he announced, looking at the youngest members of the pack.

'What? Why?' I asked, 'I haven't done anything I swear!'

'Katie, chill. They want to meet you because they heard that you are going to be helping them with their school work and they want to make sure you are up to the job' Sam explained, 'I know that you can do it but they don't so please just go and reassure them but please remember they don't know about the pack so you can't mention them'

'Okay, alright I'll go' I reluctantly agreed, 'Come on, we can go now' I told Collin and Brady who stood up.

I kissed Paul goodbye and grabbed my keys from the living room as Collin and Brady started to argue over who was going to sit shot gun until I told them both they were sitting in the back to stop the arguing!

I headed to Collins house first as his parents were Jacobs aunt and uncle so I vaguely knew them. I was still really nervous as we approached the door and Collin went in to find them.

'Mum? Dad? Where are you?' he shouted.

'Kitchen' came the reply.

'I have Brady and Katie with me' he told his parents as we joined them at the kitchen table.

'Katie, it is lovely to see you again' Connie greeted and Kevin nodded his agreement.

'You too, I understand you wanted to see me to discuss the tutoring I am due to start with Collin and Brady?'

'Yes. We were just curious more than anything else about how you work and what the boys will be learning with you' Kevin said.

'They'll be learning the same as what they do at school, I will go over it in more depth with them if they are struggling on a particular topic or they are simply curious about it. I have quite a wide depth of knowledge on most subjects. Um, if they are interested I can teach them a few different subjects along side their normal ones but it won't be compulsory - Seth Clearwater has found a love for Latin whilst I've been tutoring him' I told them.

'You seem to be invested in this Katie, it's nice to see' Connie complimented me.

'Thank you, I know how important an education is so when Sam asked me to help a few of the boys I jumped at the opportunity.'

'We're glad to hear it Katie. Sam also mentioned that you are doing it for free but you must allow us to pay you' Connie insisted.

'No honestly, it's fine. I enjoy it and would prefer not to be paid for it at the moment' I replied.

'Well if you are sure' Connie said hesitantly, 'But if you change your mind we will not complain. We're just happy to know Collin won't be falling behind any more than he already has.'

We stayed and talked to Connie and Kevin for a little while longer before heading to meet Bradys parents. He was a lot more nervous than Collin was even though I tried my best to reassure him that everything would go fine.

Brady entered the house first with us following him and led us to the home office his father had.

'Mother, father, this is Katie Uley, she is Sams sister and is helping Collin and I with our studies' Brady told his parents.

'It is a pleasure to meet you both' I said politely, trying to sit up a little bit straighter, a little intimidated by their glares.

'We heard Sam had a sister who was back from boarding school but I didn't expect it to be you' Mrs Fuller replied, 'We heard that you dropped out of high school and started dating Paul Lahote'

'Mum' Brady said, embarrassed.

'It's okay Brady' I told him softly, 'Yes, I dropped out of high school but that was so that I could work from home. The high school had a terrible curriculum compared to what I was used to at boarding school so home schooling allows me to keep up with all of my subjects but also allows me to set my own goals and deadlines so I have better time management skills. As for Paul, I hardly see how my relationship with him is relevant here' I told them.

'We just want to make sure that Brady is getting the best education possible' Mr Fuller told me.

'I understand that. And I will be able to help him achieve that' I tried to reassure them.

'We will give you a month to prove yourself to us Katie. If we don't see any progress then we will find him another tutor' Mr Fuller replied.

As we left the Fullers house, I could see how embarrassed Brady looked by his parents behaviour. I gave him a massive hug before we got back in the car, knowing he needed it at that moment.

'Did it go okay Katie?' Sam asked as soon as we got back.

'As well as it could. I just need to get a bit more organised and sort out a proper timetable I think rather than just winging it like I had planned' I replied.

'Well it can wait until tomorrow' Paul announced, joining us from the kitchen 'We are going to a beach party and you need to change' 

'Really?' I asked, looking from him to Sam.

'Yep, I already cleared it with Sam and he agreed that we need a night to relax' Paul replied.

'Just make sure you come home this time' Sam joked.

'We will' I rolled my eyes at him, 'Oh my gosh I can't wait to see Isla. And Lucas. And Abi. ANd everyone else' I said happily.

'Alright Kitty, calm your pants. Lets get you changed into something that is more appropriate for a beach party' Paul told me, leading me upstairs.

Paul collapsed on to my bed as I searched through my wardrobe for something appropriate to wear. It was getting a little bit cooler on a night so I opted for a fandom shirt, black skinny jeans, and one of Pauls hoodies that he had left in my room and I had stolen.

'I do like seeing you in my clothes Kitty Kat' Paul commented as he looked me up and down.

'Maybe later you'll see me in nothing but your hoodie' I teased him.

He groaned and pulled me towards him. He kissed me hard and I fell into it but pulled away before I got too distracted. Paul looked at me with a hurt look on his face.

'The pack is downstairs, I don't need them listening to us' I explained, 'Also, I really want to see our friends again'

'Alright Kitty, a couple of them are already there setting up, want to go help them?' he asked.

'Yay! Lets go!' I replied happily, grabbing a pair of trainers before following him downstairs.

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