Getting Ready for a Party

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An hour later and after much grumbling from Tony, everyone who ate food sat around laughing and enjoying the food. Thankfully for Tony, most of the joking about his earlier reaction had subsided. Isadora looked around the room and saw how mixed up everyone was; how everyone was getting along. She knew the bonding they were doing now would help later in the battle they were going to take place in. That reminded Isadora that she needed to check in with Fury as he hadn't told them what they were fighting yet.

"We should have a party," Tony suddenly commented, it coming out more as a statement.

Steve looks at him like he has grown another head. "How can you suggest that with a battle so close?"

Tony pushed himself off the couch, going to the bar to pour himself a drink before answering. "I've been checking daily to see if Fury has found anything and so far he hasn't. What else is there to do?"

"He's got a point," Kol inputs with a smirk.

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"No it's not going to be a Mikaelson party," Isadora throws in, knowing what the boy was thinking. "We're not doing the giant gowns and overly elegant music. It will be a modern party. Tony has a point though and it will allow for everyone to get to know each other more."

Rebekah and Kol answer back with small pouts but gave in quickly with a pointed look from Isadora. With the heading of everything being Tony, it didn't take long at all for the party to be planned. Tony set a party time of six that evening and Isadora warned him to have an overly stocked bar. As most didn't come with party clothes, people piled into different cars and began the hour drive down to New York City. Everyone split off into small groups to make shopping easier, agreeing to meet back at the compound.

(I didn't know where exactly in New York the Avengers campus is. When I Googled the location, it just said it was in upper New York state so I just moved it a bit for story needs.)

****Slight time skip****

"What about this one?" Isadora asked, holding up a cream-colored mid-length dress to herself.

Rebekah rolled her eyes and gave her a deep blue dress. "This one is much more you. Light colors were not meant for you."

The two searched a few stores before Isadora finally saw one she loved. It was a simple spaghetti strap dress that flowed to her knees.

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"Oh my gosh, Izzy that's the dress!" Rebekah exclaimed, gushing over how beautiful Isadora was in the dress.

Isadora smiled and paid for the dress. "Now we have to find your dress."

"Oh I already have a dress," Rebekah told her with a wink.

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"Now you tell me," Isadora grumbled back.

Rebekah gave her a megawatt smile as the pair headed back to their car. 

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