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Elijah watched as his brother sat on the couch with a distant look in his eyes as if he wasn't completely in the present. He noticed that Klaus was playing with something around his neck. On closer inspection, Elijah recognized it to be their family's ring. He was shocked that his brother had kept it now that he had no need of it. 

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Elijah's heart clenched when he saw a tear roll down Klaus' cheek. The last time he had seen his brother cry was the night Henrik had died all those centuries ago. Though Elijah suspected he was partly to blame for his brother always hiding behind a front. He slowly made his way over to where Klaus was sitting, careful to not spook his brother.

"What is the matter brother?" Elijah asked in a soft tone.

Klaus sighed and sat his glass on the coffee table in front of him, watching the liquid gently slosh in the glass. "Does it matter?"

Elijah debated for a second how to approach things best. He wasn't sure what path the conversation would take. "I only wish to help. What is the matter?"

His brother was silent for a few moments, making Elijah think his question was going to go unanswered. "Do you ever wish things could have happened differently?"

"Happened differently? What are you talking about brother?"

"It was my fault for that night. I should have been more forceful in saying no. Then maybe we would have had normal lives. Wouldn't have lost everything we have."

"You did what you could, Niklaus. Henrik would have gone anyway even if you did not go with him."

Klaus stared out the window for a moment before answering, his mind replaying that night yet again in his mind. "I could have stopped him. I could have prevented that Elijah. We were told many times to not go. We were constantly told the wolves were dangerous on those nights."

"Niklaus, I do not think Henrik would want you to constantly beat yourself up over something that happened over a thousand years ago. He would want you to move on."

"But that doesn't exactly make it so it never happened, does it?" Klaus said as he moved to pour himself more bourbon.

Elijah studied his brother for a moment before speaking again. "What else is bothering you, Niklaus?"

"That night was really the start of everything. Mother dearest turned us into vampires and then locked half of me away because she was ashamed of what she had done. And all the years we spent running from Mikael. All the time spent hunting for doppelgangers to break the spell," Klaus answered after taking a sip of his drink. "We used to be so carefree. So together, nothing could stop us."

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Elijah's brow furrowed as he tried to understand what his brother meant. He wasn't sure he had ever seen this side of him before. Elijah was sure this was the side that only Isadora saw as she was the only one Klaus seemed to truly trust. He moved to pour himself a drink as his mind raced over what Klaus could be trying to say.

"What if I didn't want to end up in the role I was given?" Klaus suddenly asked, breaking Elijah out of his thoughts. "Anyway, goodnight Elijah."

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