What are we?

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Back in the living room at the compound, Klaus and Damon were a little panicked when they looked into the living room and failed to see Isadora.

"Where's Isadora?" Damon demanded from Marcus. 

Klaus was close beside him, his eyes flashing gold showing his wolf was close to the surface.

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Marcus looked at them, not fazed by their rudeness. "She said she was off to meditate for a bit."

"What did you tell her?" Klaus questioned.

"What I said is between her and me," Marcus said as he left the room.

Damon sighed and went to Tony's bar to pour himself a glass of bourbon while Klaus went outside to release his anger on a few trees. He watched as the group he now knew as the Cullens returned from their hunt. Damon watched as the couples interacted with each other, it reminded him of how Klaus and himself interacted with Isadora. He practically chugged the rest of his bourbon, feeling the burn in his throat as he thought about everything. Damon put his glass in the sink and it was then that it all clicked. The three of them were mates.

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Well, he was sure Klaus and himself shared Isadora as a mate. Thinking back over the last hour of events, it made sense. A lot of events made sense to him now. He could understand why he and Klaus had nearly the same reactions to Isadora over the time they had known her. With a sigh, he headed off to his room to fetch a blood bag from his hidden stash. It wasn't the same as drinking from a living human but it was still what his body needed.

Outside, Klaus' mind was racing as he paced back and forth. He hadn't given much thought before taking off into the forest. Not far enough to be lost, but away enough to let him not be disturbed. What could Marcus have said to Isadora to make her run? Hell, he hadn't even figured out what he felt yet. Though he was fairly certain Damon and Isadora felt the same way, whatever the feeling was. Klaus' mind raced with possibilities over what it could be.

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Once he had cooled off, Klaus headed back inside and had intended to go to his room but froze once he was in the living room. He watched those he knew to be together interact with each other. His mind buzzing once again, Klaus headed off to his room. Everything seemed to click into place in his head. As his mind raced over all the new information, he seemed to figure it out and took off for Damon's room.

"You figured it out as well?" Klaus questioned, opening Damon's door without bothering to knock.

"That we're mated to her? Yep," Damon said as Klaus took a seat on the bed next to him.

"For once I don't know what the next step is," Klaus admitted.

Damon glanced at him. "I'm not sure I know the next step either."

"Well, I do suppose the first step is to wait for Isadora to return."

"Fair point."

"Blood bag?" Damon offered.

Klaus nodded and Damon handed him a blood bag, grabbing one for himself. The two sat in silence, quietly sipping their blood bags. Each was lost in their thoughts as they wondered what to do now. It was as if most of the puzzle had been suddenly finished for them and they were trying to figure out which part to start on next. Their minds drifted back to Isadora and where she could be. They wondered how she must be processing the new information. After finishing his blood bag, Klaus bid Damon goodbye, threw the empty bag away, and headed for his room. 

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