Battle Part 1

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Life's been a little hectic, with lots going on at once. I've also been working on editing a Tomarry fanfic for bookloverfiction16 called Don't Let Me Go. It's a super good story so if you like Harry Potter, go check it out. Also sorry if this battle sounds rough, it's the first battle scene I've ever written.

Refer back up to The Battle Teams for the team list of everyone.

It wasn't until a tense, anxiety-filled week passed that the attack alarm went off. When they had arrived in town, Tony had gone all over Denver with Bruce and installed alarms that would go off when The Other was attacking. Everyone jumped up and flew into action at the sound, the cold one vampires speeding off towards town while the avengers suited up and people piled onto the jets. Once on the battlefield, Isadora morphed herself to have wings to better get around as Damon and Klaus shifted to their giant wolf forms. The trio looked to the sky as the Chitauri invaded the sky. Isadora quickly chanted a spell under her breath to link all the Mikaelson's minds together; it would help them make sure each other were okay as they were put on different teams. The only ones not broken apart were Damon, Isadora, and Klaus as no one had the heart to break mates apart. Even then, everyone on the battlefield had a way to communicate with each other. Tony had made sure, after hours of work, that everyone was fitted with ear communicators that would stand up to anything. All the person operating it had to do was think of who they wanted to contact and the device would do all the work.

"Alright listen up," Steve's voice spoke into everyone's ears. "Eleazar and Carlisle, your teams are on rescue, get as many out of the battlefield as you can. Aro and Thor you two are leading containment, make sure the battle stays inside the given zone. Fury and Elijah, both your teams are with me on taking these guys out. Everyone try to stay in pairs and call out if you need help."

A bunch of yes Captains rang through the earpieces afterward and everyone hurried to their given jobs. Each team quickly dived into its given task. It wasn't hard for the vampires to locate trapped people, though they had to take their time getting the people out as the super speed would reveal what they were. Fury and Elijah's teams were making quick work of the Chitauri on the battlefield while Aro and Thor's teams didn't hesitate in taking out any enemy that strayed too far. Loki and Dr. Strange were using their magic to aid them while the cold one vampires were making great use of their varied powers and teaming up with those that were powerless.

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Bruce had transformed into the Hulk, who was gladly wiping out the enemy as if he were in his personal heaven. Clint was up on a rooftop, using his archery skills to take out as many as he could while directing a few people to Chitauri that were trying to hide. Nat and Bucky were fighting side by side moving around each other as if they could predict what the other would do. What shocked Isadora a bit was Alistair having teamed up with Elijah. She knew Alistair was antisocial and liked to be left alone, but those two together were a powerhouse to tear through the enemy at a steady rate. The shapeshifters were handling themselves well too, choosing to fight in a formation so their backs were facing each other. It had been planned for two teams in each section, but they were slowly merging into one massive team.

"Anyone got eyes on The Other yet?" Steve's voice asked over the ear communicators.

Clint looked up as a shadow passed overhead. "Well, my guess would be the giant ship."

"I do register a heat signature onboard. It is rather low," Vision inputted.

"Stark, find out who's on that ship," Steve ordered.

"Roger that," Tony answered with a slight giggle.

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Steve sighed and resisted an eye roll. "Now's not the time Stark."

While they worked in the heart of the battle, the two teams assigned containment were now in the thick of battle. The groups had merged together and fanned out to create a net to keep the Chitauri from leaving the area. Jane, Alec, Benjamin, Loki, Dr. Strange, and Thor lead the charge on freezing the enemy while the others moved quickly behind them to end the now-weakened enemy.

"You are scary my guy," Sam (Flacon) commented, glancing at Kol.

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Said man was covered in a grey-colored substance, which Sam could only guess was Chitauri blood, and was slicing through them as if it was a day at the park. The murderous glint in his eye was a bit unnerving to the mechanical flyer, but he just shrugged it off and kept fighting. While Kol himself was in his happy place. He got to take all his anger out on these beings and not be told off by the rest of his family. Using his original speed, it wasn't too hard to move around and slaughter as many as he could. Matt and Jeremy, being the more human ones of their groups, were using guns and archery to keep the Chitauri back. While they had downtime before the battle began, Damon and Clint made sure the pair were trained with weapons so they could protect themselves in battle.

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