Hard Conversations

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"Not fair!" Isadora squealed as Benjamin tossed water at her.

"It is totally fair," he said with a slight chuckle.

The pair had been chasing each other around Benjamin's coven house for a while. To most it looked like playing, but for them it was good practice using their powers on the fly. Isadora had been quick to inform her friend about her plan to return home soon, telling him that she wanted to spend some time with him first. It was an easy decision that the duo would train while they had the time. Battling someone with the same power made them think outside of the box and come up with new moves. Isadora and Benjamin agreed to teach either other the new moves they thought of after training. They would train one day, then teach each other the next day.

"Alright I give," Benjamin said, barely dodging an air blast from the small female.

"You're getting faster with your reaction time," Isadora stated.

The raven haired male stared at her like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Getting faster?"

Isadora smiled at him and sat down on the edge of the fountain. Benjamin dusted himself off and joined her. The pair sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at the stars above them. Isadora supposed that was a benefit of living away from humans. Less chance of them spoiling things.

"Have you thought about when you're going to leave?" Benjamin asked, breaking the peaceful silence.

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Isadora pulled at a loose sweater thread. "Maybe a little too much. I feel the ache, the need to see them, but it still really hurts. My mind keeps replaying the words he said to me."

"To allow the wound to heal, you have to go back. There isn't any other way but to talk it over with him."

"I know," Isadora sighed.

"It might not be okay at first, but over time I think things will be just fine," Benjamin assured his friend.

"I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to him," Isadora confessed.

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"Maybe an 'I'm sorry'? Then explain how you feel," Benjamin said, looking at his friend. "Though I think there's going to be more crying than anything else."

"Why do you say that?"

"You've been away from your mates for a while now. It's hard on both ends to be away that long."

"I don't know. Klaus is pretty stubborn."

Benjamin looked up at the sunset sky. "Have you thought about how they've been while you've been gone?"

"Everyday," Isadora said. "I wonder a lot what they're doing and how they feel. What Klaus said that day, I've never felt that way. But I guess he's never felt that way either after the figurative dust settled."

"I do think he did. Words said out of anger hurt the most, but it's the making up after that counts the most."

"Is it wrong to say I'm scared to face them again?" Isadora asked in a near whisper. "What if they don't want me after everything that's happened?"

"Isadora I think they want you. Whenever Tia goes off to Paris or somewhere for even a couple of days, it's the worst feeling. It only goes away once she comes back. Take some time tonight to think about it but I think you should return to them soon," Benjamin told her softly before leaving her to her thoughts.

Isadora sighed and stared up at the darkening sky as if it would give her the answer she was looking for. Her mind thought over her mates and what they must be doing at that moment. She wondered what would have happened if she stayed. How long till Klaus would have talked to her again? Would he have come right away or waited a while? As much as her mind tumbled over all the what ifs, it kept going back to one thing. Her mates. Her conscious mind seemed to catch up with her subconscious and Isadora's decision was made. 

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