Down With the Enemy (Battle Part 2)

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Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were at the opposite end of the street in their usual V formation, taking down the enemy as they advanced down the street.

"Dare I say this is more fun than when we fought the frost giants of Jotunheim?" Fandral asked with a joking tone.

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Volstagg tossed him a glare. "You only say that as you weren't the one that had the idea to go there."

"I wonder when you two will pay attention," Hogun said, dodging and killing a couple of Chitauri that were heading straight at him.

"Them pay attention? Are you joking?" Lady Sif questioned as she charged another Chitauri soldier.

"One can hope," Hogun answered.

Overhead, Peter Parker, or Spiderman, was swinging around on his webs. He was both shooting webs at Chitauri to stall them and looking for trapped civilians. His job was to direct others to whoever needed help and provide the help himself if it was really needed.

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"Um Mr. Eleazar sir, there's a group of civilians trapped in a bus by the Marriott Hotel," Peter spoke over the ear communicator.

"Bella, Edward, Wanda, and Pietro go help Peter get them to safety," Eleazar ordered.

Carlisle took a silent note to head over that way. He quickly finished up the woman he was bandaging up and sped over that way, killing a few Chitauri on the way. The blonde vampire was fast to help the group free the trapped people and move them to safety. Carlisle quickly checked that they weren't injured, only having a few bruises.

"Captain, The Other is aboard the ship," the heavily accented voice of T'Challa came over the ear comm.

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"Isadora you're up," Steve ordered.

"On it," She answered. Isadora looked at Damon and Klaus who were still in their wolf forms. "Sorry guys, I gotta handle him."

Isadora flapped her wings and took off, she didn't hesitate while flying toward the ship. This was the leader of the enemy and he surely wasn't going to make it out of this alive. On her way up, Isadora muttered different chants to cast protections over herself.

"Loki, bring Bucky with you and meet me on the ship," Isadora instructed.

The trio arrived on the ship at the same time so Isadora guessed that Strange had sent them through a portal. Loki and Bucky were quick to flank her, taking out any Chitauri that tried to get closer. The three of them worked in harmony as if it were a dance they were doing instead of fighting.

"Hello, blue man group reject," Isadora greeted with her usual humor.

"Nicely done! Don't know what I didn't think of that one," Stark pipped in over the comms.

"What do you want, mortal?" The Other hissed out, ignoring her comment.

Isadora raised a brow. "Now I'm thinking you're more of a Voldy."

"Foolish child trying to stand up against me. But yet you bring a prize back," The Other said to her, gesturing towards Loki.

"You see he's not a prize. He's actually here to kill you," Isadora snarled back.

Isadora didn't give The Other a chance to answer, she shot a burst of her magic towards him, purposefully missing him. It was Loki's cue to shoot a ball of his magic, a new heart-stopping spell, directly at The Other while he was distracted. The spell wasn't enough to take down The Other, but it allowed Bucky to slip in and use his metal arm to throw The Other at a nearby wall with a hefty amount of force. Isadora quickly conjured a sword and tossed it to Loki. He caught the sword with ease before speedily moving forward and relieving The Other of his head. Anger still burning hot in his veins, Loki shoved the sword through The Other's unbeating heart. Chest still heaving as if he'd run a marathon, Loki fell to his knees by the body. His tormentor was finally dead. The force that had invaded his mind and made him try to conquer New York was gone. There was suddenly a little less for Loki to fear in the world. On his sides Isadora and Bucky each laid a hand on his shoulders. They understood what this meant to him. Isadora looked to Bucky to make the announcement.

"Steve, we got him. Only Chitauri left," Bucky reported in a deadly calm tone.

"Let's finish this," Steve responded. 

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