Time With the Bestie

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"Isadora!" Benjamin exclaimed, happy to see his closest friend.

"Hiya Benjamin," she greeted back.

"What are you doing here?"

"Decided to come by for a visit."

Benjamin gave her a look like he didn't believe her. "Well let me show you to a guest room and then we can talk after."

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The dark haired male was quick to lead her to a room towards the back of the house. He knew Isadora preferred things a bit quieter. Right away he was able to sense that something was wrong. Benjamin knew his friend wasn't normally as quiet as she was now. He didn't mind her visit, but he would get down to the bottom of what was making her upset.

"What is the matter Isadora?" Benjamin asked in a quiet tone, taking a seat at the foot of her bed.

The blonde sighed. "I got into an argument with Klaus almost a month ago now."

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"So you have not seen him for a while now," Benjamin summed up.

"Yes," Isadora said, nodding her head. "I've been here and there. More or less hiding."

"But why the running?"

"He rejected my help is the base of it. I wanted to help him so badly and he tossed it aside like it was nothing. One of the people who matter most to me didn't want me around. I guess I gave him what he wanted by leaving. I just couldn't be around him after that."

"Are you going to return home soon?"

Isadora plopped down next to her friend. "I don't know."

"Why are you not sure?"

"I can't get those words he said to me out of my head. I can't stop reliving how they made me feel."

"But if you don't go back, how can it get better?"

"You've got a point there. A thing I've been refusing to see myself."

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"If you were to return home, you could talk to him and work things out."

"I know Ben. I've just been trying to make myself not see that. I've been telling myself that I'm not ready to face him again."

"Do you know how he's been lately?"

"I have no idea. His brother was with me for a few days but got called back home."

"I think you should return home. Your mates are probably going crazy."

Isadora let out a humorless chuckle. "You're not wrong."

"What is your plan of action?"

"I don't know. Maybe stay here a few days and clear my mind."

"That's not a bad plan as long as you return home at some point soon."

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Isadora offered Benjamin a small smile. "I will. Just need to clear my head first."

Benjamin stood and walked to the door. "I'll leave you to unpack."

Isadora watched her friend's retreating form with a soft smile. She knew he valued mates. As she unpacked her clothes, Isadora thought back to Klaus and Damon. She wondered what they were doing at that moment. It was getting closer to a month being gone, really just a few days shy of it. Isadora thought about going home, about returning to her mates. But her mind kept flashing back to the argument she had with Klaus. Isadora wasn't sure if she was ready to face him yet. She knew she would have to return at some point, but she wasn't mentally ready to do it yet. A few more days wouldn't hurt. Spend some time with her best friend and then return home. Isadora nodded to herself as if to solidify her plan and headed out to find Benjamin. 

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