Going Home

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Klaus woke up with a bit of a start. When had he fallen asleep? Panic started to rise in him when he felt next to him on the bed and found the space empty. He bolted upright, looking around for his mate. Klaus' calmed down when he saw her curled up in the window seat, staring out the window.

"Oh you're awake," Isadora noted. "I woke up and couldn't sleep again. You looked like you hadn't slept in a while so I didn't want to wake you up."

Isadora stood and moved to the kitchen. She poured Klaus a cup of blood and handed it to. He took it from her and tried to not down it quickly. When he was finished, Klaus placed the cup in the sink and looked around for his mate. Finding her still sitting in the window, he was quick to move over next to her. Realizing he couldn't fit on the bench with her, he took a seat on the floor next to her and leaned back against the wall. Isadora looked down at him and started to run her hand through his hair.

"We should go back today," Isadora said, breaking the silence. "Who knows what the scooby doo gang is plotting while you're away. Don't want to let them think they have the upper hand."

"When do you want to leave?" Klaus asked her.

"I'll have a shower and pack up some things then we'll go."

Klaus nodded and moved so Isadora could get up. Before disappearing into the bathroom, she informed him where the blood bags were and that he should eat.

"I know how much you should be intaking as a hybrid. You're still fairly pale," Isadora told him before closing the bathroom door.

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Klaus caught his reflection in the blackened screen of the TV and couldn't disagree with his mate. Over the last month he didn't have any urge to eat which resulted in him thinning and paling. He downed three blood bags nearly instantly while Isadora was showering. Klaus slowed down on the forth, not having realized how hungry he truly was. Isadora had been right yet again. His hybrid body couldn't survive on the minimal amount of both food and blood he was giving it. He sat on the same window bench Isadora had been occupying while he sipped on his blood bag. Klaus was worried about going back home. He had no idea what everyone's reactions would be.

Elijah had been civil with him, yet Klaus could see the anger in his eyes no matter how hard he tried to hide it. Rebekah spent a lot of time either in her room or out terrorizing the scooby doo gang, spending the least amount of time around Klaus as she could. While Kol on the other hand would outright glare at his older brother. The dark haired male had barely spoken to his brother since Elijah had called him home and Klaus couldn't find it in himself to be angry at Kol's behavior. He was the one that had driven away his best friend. Klaus was even sure at times Damon found it hard to be around him, he had made their mate leave after all.

Before his brain had time to go on the downward spiral, Isadora emerged from the bathroom. As Klaus watched her flint about the room while she packed his mind wondered why she was so kind to him. He had been so coarse to her that day. Regardless of that, she had done nothing but care for him since he had shown up. In the back of his mind, a voice said there was a high likelihood she would leave him for good this time. His rational brain knew this wasn't true, but a part of his mind said it could be true based on how he had treated her.

"Ready to go?" Isadora asked.

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Klaus jumped a bit. He was so deep in his thoughts he hadn't heard her come up to him. "Yes. Let's go."

"It'll be fine Nik," Isadora said. "I can feel the emotions you're trying to hide. Sure this past month has been rocky, but we're together now. I'm not afraid to fend off a few Mikaelsons."

Before Klaus had a chance to respond, Isadora titled his face up and pressed her lips to his. Acting on instinct, Klaus drew his mate closer to him. After they broke the kiss, he nuzzled his head into her neck while she just laid her head on top of his. Isadora had figured Klaus' reluctance to return home was due to his siblings and being unsure how they would react when they returned home.

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Isadora gently pulled away and stood again. "Come let's go home."

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