Avengers group time

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Woot! Surprise double update. Sorry the time she spends with each group seems so short. I couldn't really come up with full ideas of what she would do with each group. 

"So what's your deal? Why are you here?" Bucky asked Isadora as they walked to a coffee shop the next morning.

Isadora huffed. "As I already told Tony I'm taking some time off. Going around and visiting friends."

The former winter soldier looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. "Sure. I believe that as much as Steve actually cursing."

 "How do you always manage to do that?" Isadora sighed.

"It's a gift," Bucky chuckled.

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Isadora was quiet for a moment, debating how to answer her friend. "Things were okay for about a week or two after everyone went back home. The Mikaelsons, Damon, and I had stayed in a home they have in Colorado. Over the course of roughly two weeks, Kol and Rebekah left the house and left to do who knows what. I thought Elijah, Klaus, Damon and I were fine. But Klaus started to retreat into himself and would shut himself away in his art room. I had gone to try and draw him out but he wanted nothing to do with me. Being vampires, blood is needed to survive and he hadn't had any in days but kept brushing me off. He started to almost shout that he was fine and I just kept trying to say I was worried for him. Maybe I pushed a bit too much. Klaus ended up shouting at him that he wasn't a child and didn't need to be treated like one. He told me to just leave him, to go away. So I did. I know it was probably foolish to just leave like that, but I was hurt. The first visit was to the Cullens in Washington. I spent a few days with them before heading here."

Bucky held the coffee shop door open for her. "A lot going on."

Isadora playfully glared at him as she entered the shop. The pair placed their orders and sat at an empty table to wait.

"Are you going to go back to them soon?" Bucky asked.

"I honestly don't know. I love to help people and it doesn't feel nice to have it so sharply rejected. It felt like he was rejecting the fact of us being mates. Part of me wants to go back, but another part still needs time to get over him pushing me away as he did."

"What if he were to show up and apologize? What would you do then?"

"I honestly don't know. I don't know if I can forgive him yet."

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