Alone Time With a Side of Surprise

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After she left the Avengers in New York, Isadora decided to take some time to herself. In the past two weeks, she had been doing everything she could to keep her mind busy, to keep herself distracted. She had never given herself any time to process everything that had taken place. The battle in Colorado, finding her mates, Finn's death, and the fight with Klaus. Isadora had just shoved everything in its box and left it for later. Somewhere in her mind, she knew it wasn't the right way to go about things, but she still did it.

The blonde-haired girl perched on a rock by a clear lake and stared out over the water. She felt jealous watching the water come in as gentle waves. It was calm compared to the raging storm she felt inside. Isadora had locked everything she didn't want to feel in its box, but now it was let out. Tears silently fell out of her eyes, making them look blue instead of their natural green. Isadora wasn't sure how long she spent by the lake, but by the end of it she was feeling a bit better.

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"Well time to find a hotel," she muttered to herself.

She quickly teleported to a nearby town and paid for a hotel room for the night. The room was a bit on the small side, but it would do. Isadora took a quick shower, deeming the hotel-provided products good enough for a one use. After her shower and a change of clothes, she lay on the bed. Her mind raced over everything that had happened lately yet again. The only difference from before was this time she felt numb to everything. A knock on the door broke Isadora out of her thoughts.

The girl sped over to the door and opened it a crack. She was surprised to see Kol standing there. They both stared at each other for a moment before breaking out into smiles. Isadora moved aside and let Kol into the hotel room.

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"What brings you by at two in the morning?" Isadora asked, glancing at the bedside clock.

"I was in the area, caught your scent, and wanted to see how you were doing," Kol answered.

Isadora offered a blood bag and Kol gladly accepted. "Can't say I'm good or bad. It varies from moment to moment."

The dark-haired vampire stared at Isadora. "Izzy, do you think you'd come back?"

"To the Mikaelson house?" Isadora asked and got a head nod in return. "I don't know."

"No one actually explained what happened, just that you left," Kol muttered as he tossed his empty blood bag in the trash. It was quiet, but they both could hear what he said.

Isadora sighed. "I think you were gone when Klaus started to lock himself in his art room. Never really came out, fairly sure he even slept in there. After a week or so, I had enough and went to talk to him. I had gone in to try and at least get him to have a blood bag, but he wanted nothing to do with it. Kept telling me he'd eat later, but I knew he hadn't had anything in days. I tried to tell him I was worried about him, worried about how he was spending all of his time painting. He wasn't eating or sleeping much at all. I guess I pushed too far cause he yelled that he wasn't a child and for me to just go. I know it wasn't great of me to disappear after that, but what he said hurt. But I listened to what he said, I went away. Spent a few days with the Cullens in Washington and then the Avengers in New York. Now I'm here."

"Oh Izzy," Kol said, pulling her to his chest. "I hadn't known it was that bad. I got called back by Elijah when he learned what had happened. When I got in, the house was chaotic. Klaus wasn't talking, Damon was trying to help him and no one else really knew what was going on. The only thing everyone was sure about was you not being there. I don't think I've ever seen Klaus so withdrawn into himself. By the time I left, he and Damon spent most of the time locked away in the bedroom. I think Damon is trying to get Klaus to come to find you and apologize, but my brother is quite bullheaded. I was almost feeling sorry for him, but now knowing what's happened I don't think I completely do."

The pair lapsed into silence after that. Everything that had been said ran through their minds. Kol was now determined to stick with Isadora and make her see she wasn't alone in things. He decided then that he would travel with her, making sure she was taken care of. Without realizing it, the two dozed off with their minds feeling a bit clearer.

When morning came, Isadora made sure her things were packed while Kol had a shower. Once they were both packed, the room key was returned to the office and the pair was off.

"Where to next, Izzy?" Kol asked.

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Isadora flashed Kol a smile. "How do you feel about Italy?"

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