The Fight

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A week passed in this fashion. Everyone in the house mostly ignored each other and tiptoed around the house as if walking on eggshells. Kol had disappeared and was most likely on a murder spree from the news trail he was leaving. Rebekah spent most of her time hiding away in her room, spending most of her days curled in bed. Elijah spent his time watching over everyone in the house and keeping track of Kol. He only let his calm façade break when he was in the privacy of his own room. Only then did he take time to think about Finn's death. Klaus had isolated himself in his art room, tuning things out and painting like a madman for hours on end. Isadora spent her time sitting out by the lake, her mind racing over the events that occurred. Damon divided his time between sitting with Klaus and then with Isadora. The three hardly spoke to each other anymore and Damon was trying to keep them together. The house felt like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. The entire place was covered in a feeling of unease.

"Here Klaus," Isadora softly said, trying to hand him a bag of blood. She knew it had been a few days since he had last had any blood.

Klaus shrugged her off. "I'll eat later."

"Please," she pleaded as Damon came into the room and watched the pair.

"Later Isadora."

Hearing her full name from him stung, but she pushed on. "It's been days since you last ate anything."

The hybrid lowly growled and set his paintbrush down. "I'm not hungry," he snapped, looking at Isadora.

"I'm just worried about you," she told him.

"I don't see why. I'm perfectly fine."

Isadora started to tear up. "But you aren't. You haven't eaten in days, you spend most of your time here painting. I don't know when the last time you slept was."

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"I am fine," Klaus repeated.

"Klaus," Isadora whispered, her eyes filling with more tears.

Damon was about to move and comfort his mates, but Klaus suddenly had them both frozen in place.

"I said I'm fine! That means you don't have to worry about anything! Everything is just fine," Klaus exploded. "Just leave me alone! I'm perfectly fine. I don't need the constant hovering or to be treated like I am a child. Just go."

Isadora backed away from the hybrid as if he had physically struck her. Rejection and hurt seared hotly in her veins. One of her mates didn't want her with him. A lone tear made its way down Isadora's cheek before she gathered herself and teleported to their bedroom. She was quick to shove things she held dearly in a bag. Giving the room a last look, she teleported herself away. If Klaus didn't want her there, then she'd leave. No sense in staying when he had shoved her away. Her teleport brought her to a big house nestled in the woods. 

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(I know they should have talked it out like adults, but let's be real it's a fanfic. Normal logic doesn't apply here)

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