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Klaus wasn't really tired just yet so he grabbed a blood bag from the mini fridge in the room and started to sketch in his sketchbook. The sketching soon turned to more of a mindless task as his mind wandered over what had been happening recently. He couldn't deny how long he had feelings for Isadora. They had started about the time they had met all those years ago.

He had tried to deny them back then, thinking the feelings wouldn't suit the image he needed everyone to believe. There was the big bad hybrid image to upkeep and a relationship could tear it down. Slowly over time, he had come to accept that those feelings weren't going anywhere. He had never admitted them, but he and Isadora still grew close over the years.

Klaus revealed a side to Isadora that no one had ever seen before, well not for over a thousand years. She got to see the carefree version of himself that hadn't happened since before Hendrick had died and he found out about his true parentage. Isadora knew things that even Elijah didn't know. Klaus always held a bit of fear that his own brother would bring him down. Even if it was the same brother that had stood by his side through the years, always guiding him back to the right path.

He fathomed a guess Damon felt similarly. Not wanting to let too much information out as he felt it possible Stefan could use it against him. It had always irked Klaus that Stefan claimed to be so righteous and kept putting Damon down as if Stefan was forgetting his own deeds. Stefan liked to forget that he was a ripper and had decimated an entire town. He was quick to make himself look good and let Damon take the fall for everything. 

Klaus supposed he and Damon were more alike than the rest of them. Both of them were the black sheep of the family, the ones who everyone else looked down upon. Yet they both tried so hard to protect the family they had left, no matter the cost. Hell Damon had nearly lost his life a few times to protect Stefan and the oh-so-precious doppelganger. But whenever something bad happened, they all seemed to point their fingers at Klaus and Damon. Klaus knew Elijah hoped there were some redeeming qualities about him but didn't know how far that went.

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He sighed, set down his sketchbook, and quietly slipped out of the room. Klaus tossed the empty blood bag into the trash and went over to the bar to get a bit of bourbon. He slowly sipped his drink while fiddling with the necklace he had on. It was just his old daylight ring on a necklace. Klaus had no use for the ring anymore, having unlocked his wolf side, but it was something that reminded him of his family. The old promise of always and forever ran through his mind as he fiddled with it.

It reminded him of the sole reason why he did everything, not that any of them would believe that. His mind drifted to everything that had happened at the time he and his siblings had been alive. In the beginning, Klaus wished they all thought better of him, but now he just accepted that they would always think lowly of him. 

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