I'm Sorry, My Mate

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The pair stared at each other from across the pond, as if daring the other to move first. Unknowingly, they started to move towards each other. It was by a miracle neither of them tripped as they moved closer to the other as they never took their eyes off the other. Once a few feet apart from each other, Klaus and Isadora stopped. Neither one spoke, they just stared at each other. Klaus seemed to stumble a couple feet closer and fell to his knees in front of Isadora. Tears started to fill his eyes as he stared at the ground, unwilling to meet Isadora's eyes. Stepping forward, Isadora wrapped her arms around Klaus' shoulders. He instinctively wrapped his arms around his midsection and buried his face in her stomach. It wasn't long before her midsection started to feel damp from Klaus' crying.

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Isadora understood Klaus wasn't good with words, but this was his version of saying he was sorry. The girl knew that he would probably cling to her for a while, reluctant to let her out of his sight for long. As if confirming what she was thinking, Klaus burrowed his head further into Isadora's stomach. Eventually, she was able to coax her mate inside. Once Klaus was sitting at the small table in the cabin, Isadora made quick work of making tea for herself and getting a blood bag for Klaus.

While the water for her tea was heating up Isadora took the chance to study Klaus. His hair seemed to have an almost greasy appearance as if he hadn't showered in a while and his body looked thinner than it had when Isadora saw him last. Braving a look at his face, Isadora saw it too was a bit thinner and his eyes sunken in a bit. She watched him for a moment while he stared out the window with almost lifeless eyes. After her tea was made, Isadora poured the blood bag into a cup and brought both to the table. Klaus must have been deep into his thoughts as Isadora setting the cups down seemed to startle him.

"It's alright. Just a bit of blood," Isadora told him in a soft tone.

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The man stared down at the cup, getting a bit lost in his thoughts again. His mind replaying the day Isadora had left. Klaus shook his head to clear it a bit and downed the liquid like it was nothing. Isadora noticed a bit of his color came back, but it would take a lot more blood to get him back to looking like himself. Isadora bit her lip in thought. She had tried to prepare herself for anything that could have happened, but she wasn't quite ready for this version of Klaus. She had seen a lot of sides of the man, but she was sure no one had seen this side before. Klaus wasn't one to openly show weakness, yet here he was putting it on a front and center display.

"Do you want some more?" Isadora offered.

"Please," he answered in a rough voice, sounding as if it hadn't been used in a while.

Isadora noted how Klaus didn't meet her eyes as she took his cup. She was quick to fill it again and give it back to him. Klaus drank it slower this time, as if savoring the taste. The pair lapsed into silence, neither knowing what to say to the other. Isadora glanced at Klaus, watching as some more of his color returned.

"I want to say sorry for that day but sorry doesn't seem to cover it," Klaus suddenly said, scaring Isadora a bit. "I could tell excuses of why I acted so poorly, give you some half truth. Nothing seems to explain why I reacted like I had. I shouldn't have. You had wanted to help me and I shoved you off like it didn't matter. It wasn't until the day after you left that I had fully processed everything said. Rebekah and Kol punched me and threatened a white oak stake if I didn't find you and apologize. Elijah hid it but I could tell he was upset with me as well." The hybrid paused and took another drink of blood. "Hell even what I put Damon through in the last month. Ripping a mate away from him like that. Yet he was trying his best to help me and take care of me. He's with the rest of the family back home by the way. They decided it would be best if I came alone. Damon threatened to drag me here himself if I didn't come to apologize after Freya was able to locate you. She's my sister apparently. Showed up a week after you left. Said something about a magic burst awakening her from a magical sleep she was forced into. But once she was up she hunted down where we were and raced to us. We spent a few days figuring out what had happened to her while she was resting. It was about five days after she found us that she found out what happened. Freya said she could do a location spell, see if she could find where you were. She tried quite a few times but it always failed until the other day. Took the first flight I could get to out here and haven't stopped moving since."

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Isadora was a bit shocked. She hadn't heard Klaus verbally say sorry before and actually mean it. She had heard him the word before, but it was meant in a sadistic way. Usually used right before he hunted someone down and murdered them. Mustering up a bit of courage, Isadora sat on the table in front of Klaus. She drew him closer to her and he laid his head in her lap. She gently rubbed the back of his neck.

"Would you like a shower?" Isadora asked, breaking the second silence that had fallen over them. "We can watch a movie afterwards. Just figured you'd like to freshen up after all the traveling."

After a few minutes, Klaus was in the shower and Isadora was setting up a movie for them. When she was finished getting the movie set up, Isadora sat up towards the head of the bed, propped up on some pillows. Just as she got settled, Klaus rushed out of the bathroom and curled up next to her.

"Ack!" Isadora exclaimed. "Sit up, pretty boy. You aren't going to get my pillows all wet."

Isadora quickly fetched a towel from the bathroom and began to dry her mate's hair. The pair was fast to settle back down again. Klaus this time laid his head on Isadora's stomach and curled as close to her as he could get. Isadora smiled a bit as she ran her hand through his slightly damp hair. Neither said a word as the movie played, but both felt content to be together again.

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