Arriving at the tower

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Isadora landed softly on the platform Tony had built for him to land when in his Iron Man suit. From the lack of a greeting party, she guessed that everyone was either busy or hadn't heard her teleport in.

"JARVIS, where's Tony?" Isadora asked as she entered the living room.

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"Miss Mallory, Mr. Stark is currently in his laboratory. Would you like me to tell him that you have arrived?" A robotic voice answered.

The girl smirked. "No thanks, but can you blast Barbie girl into his lab?"

"I will get on that right away, miss," JARVIS replied.

A few minutes later, an angry Tony burst into the living room. His eyes searched the room for his target, whoever it was that played the music in his special place. They just happened to land on Isadora who was struggling to contain her giggles.

Tony rolled his eyes with a huff. "Should have known it was you."

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"You are too easy to mess with," Isadora smarted back.

"Why are you here?" The genius asked, making his way to the kitchen.

Isadora hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out how to answer his question. "Just taking some time away. Figured it'd be fun to visit some friends."

"Izzy!" A new voice shouted.

Tony and Isadora turned to see Sam coming in from the elevator entry. Both were a bit confused as they hadn't heard the ding from it arriving. Sam just ignored the looks of confusion on their faces and plopped down on the couch next to Isadora.

"How you been?" Sam asked.

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"I'm okay," she answered back.

"Just okay?"


While the pair chatted, Tony slipped back to his lab. He had his goal of coffee and that was enough socializing for him. As Sam and Isadora caught up, the rest of the Avengers started to trickle into the room. Soon, Mario Kart was booted up. Isadora knew it was a driving game and you could basically prank other drivers. But far as courses and such went, she didn't have much of a clue on that part. Isadora tried to keep up as best she could, but it was laughter-inducing to watch everyone else lose their minds over the game.

The only two that seemed to share in her confusion were Bucky and Steve. Both sitting on either side of her. Bucky was currently sitting on the arm of the couch letting Isadora lay her head on his thigh while he ran a hand through her hair. To Isadora, Bucky and Steve would always be her older brothers. They were always looking out for her and were quite protective of her. She fathomed a guess that when she informed them of what had occurred, they would go hunt down Klaus themselves and set him straight. That was if the rest of the Mikaelsons and Damon hadn't done so already. It pained Isadora's heart to be away from her mates, but after everything Klaus had said, she couldn't stand to be around him. 

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