Got Sam with Plastic Wrap

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Over the next hour, the three worked on their pranks. Putting small bits of plastic wrap in front of doors for people to walk into and slipped temporary dye into some shampoos and conditioners; Kol even switched the sugar for salt next to the coffee pot. When everything was done, the trio ran outside in a fit of laughter. The three wrestled around with each other while they waited for people to start to come back to the compound.

"People are starting to come back now," Isadora said after an hour had passed, her ears perking up to the sound of incoming car tires.

The three of them shared a grin and sped inside. Kol and Emmett took seats in the living room while Isadora poured a glass of bourbon for Kol and some juice for herself. Isadora sat down just in time to see Sam sprinting through the living room as if he forgot something and ran right into the plastic wrap that was stretched across the door frame. He let out a small yelp (something he would never admit to) as he fell to the ground.

How much trouble do you think I'm going to be in when Nik discovers his prank? Isadora mentally sent to Kol's mind.

Kol fought to keep a grin off his face as Sam tried to get up. How fast can you run?

I could just blame it on you. It was your idea for the green, Isadora sent back to him as she moved to help Sam.

"Who the hell put the plastic wrap there?" Sam questioned once he was back on his feet and free of the plastic bonds.

Emmett shrugged. "We only just came in just before you did."

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Sam glared at the hallway entrance for a moment, mumbled to himself, and headed off to his room. The group fought to stay normal and keep up the talk between them as Tony headed to the kitchen, empty coffee cup in hand. As the coffee brewed, Tony looked at the trio sitting in the living room. He was mildly worried as they were talking too low for him to hear, but all he cared about was getting his coffee fix. Emmett, Kol, and Isadora's heads snapped up when Tony exclaimed from the kitchen a moment later.

"Are you alright over there?" Isadora called out, furrowing her brow in mock confusion.

Tony growled as he dumped his freshly made cup of coffee into the sink. "Some gremlin switched the salt and sugar."

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Isadora grimaced. "Gross."

Nice cover, Kol mentally sent to her.

I'm going to hide before Nik gets back, Isadora sent back as she excused herself from the room. 

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