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"Sweetheart, slow down!"

Adele Corden 's arm was almost being ripped from it's socket as her daughter, 11-year-old Adelaide Corden, was dragging her along the narrow path between other families on the stones leading up to platform 9. Her husband, Faustus, was leisurely strolling behind them, pushing the cart full of his daughter's belongings.

"We're almost there, mama!" Adelaide beamed with joy. She could not wait to get through to the other side – to finally see the Hogwarts Express – and to attend Hogwarts.

She had been so happy upon receiving her letter in the mail early that summer. Adele was almost positive that the word most spoken by her daughter was either Hogwarts or magic. For the entirety of the summer months, Adelaide focused herself on learning as much as she could about what she would be learning during her time at Hogwarts.

Her mother, Adele, told her all about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry the different houses. The majestic school sat in the highlands of Scotland and to this day, Adelaide's mother is extremely adamant about it being her favorite place of all time.

"Remember what I told you?" Adele would question her daughter, a bright smile on her face as she would continue sweeping the front porch of their home, that was nestled in the beautiful village of Ottery St. Catchpole.

"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus!" Adelaide would chirp happily, licking the tip of her forefinger as she turned the page of the book in her lap.

"And what does that mean?"

"Never tickle a sleeping dragon, Mama." Adelaide giggled.

Adelaide was a bright young girl. Putting aside the fact that their family home was rather small, Adelaide came from two very well-off pureblood families. For the first eleven years of her life, she learned about magic from both of her parents. Adele, her mother, and her father Faustus Corden.

Faustus and his wife Adele were opposites. Having met while studying at Hogwarts, Adele in Hufflepuff, and Faustus in Slytherin.

Polar opposites.

Neither adult had a clue what house their daughter would be sorted into. Truly, she had so many qualities that could help sort her into any of the four Hogwarts houses.

At a young age, Adelaide has already shown courage and bravery – like Gryffindor. She is loyal and honest – like Hufflepuff. She certainly values intelligence and wisdom – like Ravenclaw. And just like her father, Adelaide was a natural born leader full of determination and ambition – like Slytherin.

"Oh! Is this it? Is this where we have to run through the wall, Mama?" Adelaide had stopped running now. Her large blue eyes were wide with wonder. She was turned to look up at her mother, who truly was just an older version of her daughter. They shared the same eye and hair color. Adele often made the joke that she created Adelaide all on her own. Her father, Faustus, was a tall, olive-skinned, and dark-haired man. His wife and daughter were fair skinned, blonde hair and blue eyed. He had always hoped that maybe one day they would have had a boy, a son to look just like him. But that was not the case. Faustus and Adele were blessed with one child only – and that was Adelaide.

"Want me to go first?" Faustus was now standing behind his wife and daughter, ready to walk through the wall to step onto platform 9 ¾.

Adelaide let go of her mother's hand and turned to look at her father. A smile formed on her lips as she moved closer to him, grabbing hold of the cart beside him. "Can I go with you?"

Adele smiled, stepping back, and allowing her husband and daughter to rush forward, disappearing directly through the wall. Adele swore she could still hear Adelaide's giggles from the other side.

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