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A U G U S T 1993, E G Y P T

Egypt was hot. Like dragon fire hot. As the second eldest Weasley sibling looked up to the pyramids before them, he squinted his eyes and held his hand over his forehead to try and create a barrier between the sun and his eyes. Fred and George had been acting up, having pushed into Charlie making his sunglasses go flying off his face and down the hill – lost forever.


Molly Weasley stood beside her husband, waving her arms in the air to signal her children.

"Gather 'round, kids! It's picture time! Oh Bill! Look how handsome!" Molly was always the first to get side-tracked. She was too busy gushing over Bill since it had been quite sometime since they had seen him.

Fred and George wandered off, but not too far, though Percy, Ron and Ginny stayed near their father and Charlie.

"It was nice that you were able to get some time off for this family vacation, Charlie." Arthur grasped his son's shoulder, giving him a squeeze. "I know your Mum is happy to have you here."

Charlie smiled, giving a nod. His hair was a bit longer now, tied messily behind his head in a bun. "I know she is, Dad." His hand was still over his forehead, blocking the sun from his eyes.

"Have you talked to Adelaide or Tonks recently?" Charlie spoke up after a minute of silence.

"Not directly, no." Arthur smiled fondly. "But I still see Faustus at work every day. Do you want to know how she's doing?" He had let go of his son's shoulder but turned to look at him fully.

"Is it bad if I say yes?"

"No, my boy, it's not." Arthur chuckled, shaking his head. "She's doing well. She's almost done training at St. Mungo's to become a healer." He told Charlie, now turning to watch the other children who was busy trying to keep themselves busy and out of trouble at the same time.

"And, now this is something I haven't even told the others, but Faustus says that she's going to study under Madam Pomfrey at Hogwarts this year."

Charlie's eyes widened, glancing over at his father. "Really? That's wonderful. I'm really happy for her." Charlie spoke softly. He was happy, that much was true, but he was still angry that she decided to cut him out of her life for good. He had written her so many letters, all of which – to this day – remain unanswered.

"Fred! George! Get back up there this instant! It's time for a picture!" Molly called to the twins, her voice echoing a bit which cause both Arthur and Charlie to wince, sharing a laugh.

After smiling, quite painfully with the sun in his eyes, Charlie began the descent down the hill, following the rest of his family in silence. He could not stop thinking about Adelaide (and even Tonks), and what they were doing right now.

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