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Arthur had been discharged home from St. Mungos on December 24th. Christmas Eve. Adelaide, of course, was already on schedule and had been able to end her shift with Arthur, making sure he was good to go before taking him home.

Getting there, though, was a bit harder than Adelaide had imagined. Arthur felt nauseous, most likely from having been in a hospital bed for the past few days, as well as all the nasty tasting blood-replenishing potions he had to force down his throat prior to discharge.

Once they stepped foot in number twelve Grimmauld Place and out through the green flames, they were greeted by Molly, Charlie, Remus and Sirius.

"Oh, Arthur!" Molly cooed, bustling through the group of men to make it over to her husband and Adelaide. "You're looking much better, sweetheart."

"Thank you dear." Arthur smiled weakly, leaning down to kiss his wife softly.

Adelaide couldn't help but tear up at the beautiful sign of affection between husband and wife. If everyone could have the kind of relationship like Molly and Arthur, the world would be a much better place.

"And thank you!" Molly turned to Adelaide with a smile. "You're an absolute angel, my dear. Isn't that right boys?"

Adelaide blushed profusely at Molly's proclamation. She looked down at her feet for a moment before glancing up and looking between Remus, Sirius, and Charlie.

"Yes, Molly, dear. Adelaide is in fact an angel." Sirius grinned, strolling over to greet his girlfriend with a gentle kiss to her lips.

"Hush." Adelaide hissed, playfully slapping his hands away from her before she turned to face the rest of the room. "Arthur, you should probably go and rest. I'm going to get washed up and make sure we're all stocked up for Christmas dinner tomorrow." Adelaide gave Remus a hug and while walking past Charlie she had reached out and slipped her hand onto his forearm. She smiled up at him, earning a smile back from the tall redhead, before walking out of the room and up the stairs.

Sirius watched from across the room, a soft sigh escaping his lips before he snapped out of it and walked over to help Molly walk Arthur up the stairs and to their bedroom. After he made sure Arthur was comfortable – he wanted to ensure he was the best host he could be – he ventured into the bedroom he shared with Adelaide.

The blonde had just stepped out of the adjacent bathroom wrapped tightly in the velvet robe that belonged to Sirius.

"I cannot believe it's already Christmas Eve." Adelaide sighed, sitting down at the vanity so she could work the brush through her hair. After doing so, she picked up her wand and cast a quick drying spell before pulling back her strands and tying them into a French braid.

"Time flies when you're having fun, love." Sirius teased, a snort escaping his lips as he dropped onto the bed and stretched himself out with a groan.

"These past few days have been anything but fun, Sirius."

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