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A/ N: Talk of death - nothing graphic.


F E B R U A R Y 1998

"Where is Adelaide? There's been an attack at the Ministry."

Bill's voice echoed throughout Shell Cottage. Fleur was scrambling to make her way up the stairs but only got halfway when she was met with a wide-eyed Charlie.

"Bill? What's happened?" Charlie stepped off the last step, eyes still wide as he stared over at his older brother. "Is Addy okay?"

Charlie was already halfway to the fireplace with his jacket in hand before Bill stopped him.

"It's not Adelaide." A sorrowful look washed over Bill as he held onto his brother's shoulder. "It's Faustus and Adele."

Fleur covered her mouth, standing behind the two as she tried to take in all the information Bill was throwing at Charlie. They had no idea what started it, but someone stood up to the Lestrange brothers and in the midst of it all, Faustus and Adele had gotten caught in the middle.

Faustus was strong. He was a powerful wizard even though he rarely used his magic to do any sort of fighting. When his family was involved, though, it was a different story.

"Death Eaters followed them home. It's-"Bill paused to figure out the best way to put it. "It's not good, Charlie. Tonks and Remus are there now that things have calmed down."

"What do you mean it's not good? Bill?" Charlie tugged his jacket on, preparing himself to use the floo to head over to St. Mungos. He was almost certain nobody else would oversee getting Adelaide and breaking the news to her except him. There was nobody better, besides Tonks, to handle this situation.

"Tonks believes they were tortured." Bill told him, a sigh escaping the eldest Weasley's lips before he continued, "And they're... They're dead, Charlie. They didn't make it."

With this final blow, Charlie started to feel himself become a bit dizzy. How was he going to break this news to Adelaide? There was no way he could handle this. Atleast not by himself. His emotions were linked with Adelaide's. When she cried, he cried. When she was sad, he was sad. He was terrified that he couldn't be strong enough for her when she needed him to be.

"I- I can't tell her. I can't be that person. She... I can't do this, Bill." Charlie's eyes started filling with tears, his hands reaching up to brace himself on the mantle above the fireplace.

"You can do this, Charlie. And you will. You are the only person who she will want to be with when she finds out. Please don't let it be anyone else." Fleur stepped up, wiping her own tears away as she embraced her brother-in-law. "I know you love her, Charlie. She needs you."

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