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Adelaide sat on the sofa, across from Sirius, her eyes still blown wide. She could not believe she was in his presence. In all honesty, the healer thought she may never see him again. Her eyes flitted to Remus, who had this pompous, proud grin on his face.

"This is where you grew up?" Adelaide turned her attention back to Sirius, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"Yes, for the first sixteen years of my life." He brought the tumbler up to his lips, full to the rim with brandy, before taking a small sip. Sighing happily from the pleasure the brandy was bringing him, Sirius leaned back to get comfortable. He could see the wheels turning in Adelaide's head. She had so many questions. She looked quite adorable when she was thinking so hard – Sirius would do his best to answer all her questions.

"Where did you go after you turned sixteen?" She questioned, taking a sip of her own glass of brandy. Her nose crinkled at the bitter, burning sensation running down her throat. She made the decision long ago to stick with butterbeer and butterbeer alone. It was the safest option for her.

"I moved in with Harry's father James, and his parents, Euphemia and Fleamont. They were truly my real family." Sirius smiled sadly, looking over at Remus who was standing by the bar counter, checking his pocket watch.

"Have somewhere to be, Moony?"

Adelaide looked up at hearing the nickname, "Moony?" She repeated, shaking her head. "Merlin, that is such an obvious nickname!" She teased, a giggle escaping her lips as she took another, this time larger, sip of brandy. She sat the glass down and turned a bit, looking up at Remus as he closed the distance between them all.

"Actually, yes. I told Tonks that I would meet her for dinner." The tips of his ears were bright red, though luckily for him the messy ends of his hair covered. "I thought, well why not, it's Christmas tomorrow." He explained with a shrug.

Adelaide gasped, "You are a filthy liar, Remus Lupin!" She exclaimed, pointing up at him before leaning over and stabbing his side with her finger.

"Pardon me, Ms. Corden, but I haven't a clue what you mean!" Remus laughed softly, waving his hand at her trying to move her finger away from his side. He glanced to Sirius with a nod.

"Enjoy dinner, you two. Don't drink too much, Sirius. I'll be back in a bit." Remus chose to leave out the front door. Sirius still had not been successful in attaching his fireplace to the floo network, so the only available mode of transportation to and from number twelve Grimmauld Place was to apparate further out and walk.

Once Remus was gone, Sirius took his cue to bring Adelaide into one of the dining areas. This was the only room he attempted to clean up as best as he could. He knew how obsessive Adelaide was with cleanliness, it was one of her many quirks that he found himself smiling about whenever he was alone.

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