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A P R I L 1994, H O G W A R T S

Faustus Corden once said curiosity killed the cat. In this situation – Adelaide was most certainly the cat. Her curiosity always got the best of her. She felt compelled to follow Professor Snape, so she did. She made sure to walk as slow as possible and put as much pressure on the balls of her feet so that her heels would not click against the stone flooring of the castle. Severus looked like he was a man on a mission. The cape of his black robes bellowing high in the wind behind him as he rushed through the corridors and out onto the school grounds.


"Why don't we just set him free?" Harry looked out of Hagrid's window beside the half-giant. Hermione and Ron seated inside behind them at the kitchen table.

Hagrid sighed. "They'd know it was me, Harry. Then Dumbledore would get into trouble." He shook his head, glancing down for a moment before looking back up and turning to Harry with a sad smile.

"He's coming down, ya know. Says he wants to be with me when they...well, you know." He cleared his throat and stood a bit taller, "When it happens."

Hagrid was currently fighting back tears, turning away from the window so he could no longer look out at Buckbeak. "Great man, Dumbledore... Great man."

Hermione instantly stood up from the table as she saw Hagrid looking distraught. "We'll stay here, too. With you."

Hagrid shook his head, "Absolutely not. D'ya think I want ya seein' somethin' like that?" He exclaimed, waving his hand around – most likely gesturing to the beheading of the poor Hippogriff.

"But before you go," Hagrid started towards the cabinets by the opposite wall. "Ron," He opened up a tin and reached in to pick something up.

"Scabbers!" Ron exclaimed with relief. "You're alive! Bloody rat..." He sighed, scooping the creature into his hands as he took him from Hagrid.

"I think that means you owe someone an apology, Ronald." Hermione stood up, a set determination in her eyes.

Ron turned to look at Hermione, "Right." He scoffed, "Well, next time I see that bloody cat of yours... I'll let him know!"

Harry stood in silence watching the two bickering back and forth, his eyes a bit wide as he debated on breaking the two up.

"I meant me!" Hermione spat, glaring at the redhead.

At that very moment, an urn burst apart on Hagrid's table. Sand and dirt spilled out and caused all four individuals to jump and turn to try and find the source.

Hermione picked up the rock that was not on the table before, assuming it was what was used to break the urn. She took in a deep breath and looked up to Hagrid before she heard Harry double over in pain with a loud, "Ow!"

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