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"Harry!" Adelaide screamed as loud as she could to try and find the boy who ran after Bellatrix. She was breathing heavily as she stood in the ankle-deep freezing cold water. She was beginning to feel the adrenaline flow through her veins, the feeling of pins and needles taking over her hands and fingertips as she began to get a read on her surroundings. It was dark and cold. The water was splashing up against her legs and soaking through her trousers as she waded through, turning as she went to look all around.

"Harry!" She called out again, her hand gripping her wand tightly. Where could he have gotten to so quickly? She continued through the reeds, water still sloshing around her feet as she went. She could hear nothing but the sound of her own breathing, as well as the pounding of her heart. She stopped by a small little mound of ground and raised her wand up in the air.

"Lumos." The tip of her wand lit up, helping her see but only a few feet ahead of her. There was someone standing between the reeds and with a few rapid blinks, Adelaide started moving backwards. Whoever was standing in front of her – it was not Harry.

The man wore a sick and twisted grin, and with the skin that wasn't covered with his tattered clothes, she could see thick scars – those like the ones Remus wears. She had never seen this man before, atleast not in person. His wanted posters, though, had been strewn around Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade for years. She had also heard enough about him from both Sirius and Remus.

"Hello love." Fenrir Greyback licked his lips as he continued forward. Each step he took forward, Adelaide should have taken one back. But she didn't. She couldn't.

Adelaide felt frozen in time. It was as though her feet were stuck in mud, or something thicker, like concrete. The hand that held her wand up at eye-level was beginning to tremble and before she could shoot off a defensive spell, Fenrir rushed forward to grab onto her.


Harry stepped up quickly, rushing through the reeds and water to step infront of Adelaide. His wand was raised high, hand steady as can be - casting the spell to slow Fenrir down as Adelaide snapped to her senses and grabbed onto Harry's hand.

"Expelliarmus!" Adelaide was now pointing her wand towards the werewolf, her eyes wide with fear and anger as she heard Bellatrix splashing around them, repeating over and over "I killed Sirius Black!"

She felt every nerve within her alight with something ferocious. Something she had not felt since that wretched night in June. Turning around, she spotted Charlie and his father, Arthur, rush through the reeds which finally pushed Fenrir back a bit further as he joined Bellatrix.

Adelaide made sure to maintain her focus. Once she was able to do so, she was able to figure out that it was just Bellatrix and Fenrir, and no other Death Eater was here. She felt Charlie stand behind her, his back pressing into her as his continued blasting off protection spells around them.

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