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*~* TW: some smut, nothing too explicit *~*

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*~* TW: some smut, nothing too explicit *~*


"Amelia Bones?"

"Yes, that's who oversees it all. Right, Mr. Weasley?"

Harry turned to look at Arthur who had stuffed a piece of buttered toast into his mouth with a silent nod.

"Wotcher Harry!" Tonks grinned, patting the boys back a bit too rough, causing him to lurch forward with a grimace. "I can assure you that she is fair. I don't think you have anything to worry about." Tonks reassured Harry, a smile still on her lips as she slowly made her way over to Remus who was seated on the other side of the table.

Sirius, who had never even gone to bed from the night before, still dressed in his clothes from the party last night, plopped down in a chair beside Harry.

"The Ministry is no joke, Harry. Promise me that you won't lose your temper."

Harry shook his head. He knew he couldn't truly promise such a thing – he had been extremely unpredictable lately, especially after everything that happened in the graveyard with Cedric and Voldemort.

"Alright, we should get going. Don't want to be late." Arthur licked his lips to remove any of the remaining crumbs from his toast before he grabbed his briefcase and jacket, gesturing for Harry to follow along.

Once they were gone, Remus spoke up. "Sirius, you look like hell. You should probably get some rest."

"You're probably right about that." Sirius sighed, rubbing at his face. He had not been sleeping well lately but had been trying to keep that a secret. It was easy with Adelaide; she was quite the heavy sleeper.

"Everything ok, mate?" Remus piped up again, folding the pages of the Daily Prophet over so he could get a better look at his friend.

"Just have a lot on my mind, Moony. I'll be fine." Sirius shrugged it off and once he started moving towards the staircase, he tried to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that soon enough, everything would be different.


S E P T E M B E R 1995

Adelaide had made the decision to hold off on telling Sirius that she was going to Romania with Charlie for one full week. She knew she had to tell him, of course, after all... they were leaving tomorrow.

"I already told you that I think it's a bad idea for you to travel with us to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Black." Moody grumbled, crossing his thick arms over his chest as he stared over at the man.

"That's nonsense! They won't know it's me! I'll be going as Padfoot!" Sirius cried angrily, throwing his arms up in the air.

"I still vote no." Moody spat back, shaking his head.

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