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A/N: This chapter contains sexually explicit material. ;)


Adelaide and Ginny were left to their own defenses for another two hours. The healer did what she could to remain positive, especially for Ginny's sake, but as the third hour since their escape began it was getting hard.

Ginny had fallen asleep on the couch about twenty minutes ago and since then, Adelaide could not stop the nervous pacing by the kitchen window.

Flashes of light followed by a loud crack sounded off in the distance, just behind the dunes that separated the cottage and the beach. Adelaide took one look back at Ginny, before rushing out of the back door and closer to the shore.

"Bill!" Adelaide shouted at the sight before her. "Fleur!"

Relief flooded through her, the tingling sensation in her fingertips only intensified when she spotted the third person who appeared behind them.

"Charlie." She breathed out, brushing the hot tears that were now streaming down her cheeks as she rushed forward and collapsed in Charlie's arms.

"You have no idea how happy I am that you're all safe." Adelaide said, pulling back from the hug as she looked up at Charlie who was already staring down at her with a smile on his lips. His hands reached up, moving from her waist to either side of her face as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

The four of them moved into the house, and after Bill brought Ginny back home and came back to Shell Cottage, they were sitting around the kitchen island discussing what had happened.

"I'm so sorry that this ruined your reception, Fleur." Adelaide whispered, reaching over to slip her hand over Fleur's, giving her a gentle squeeze.

The new bride shook her head. Patting Adelaide's hand with a smile on her lips, "No need to apologize. It's not your fault. And after all," the woman sighed lovingly as she looked over at her new husband, who was deep in conversation with his younger brother. "The important part of the day already happened. Exchanging vows with Bill infront of all our loved ones was what today was all about. A wedding reception is just a party in the end."

Adelaide smiled and gave a slight nod. She looked over to the men at the other side of the table and found herself watching Charlie. The way his eyes crinkled in the corners when he smiled or laughed loudly. The way he gave whoever he was speaking to his complete and undivided attention.

No! Stop. Stop thinking of him like this.

Adelaide shook her head slightly and turned back to Fleur. Unfortunately for Adelaide, Fleur had been watching her the entire time. A hint of mischief twinkled in the bride's eyes before she pushed herself up and went over to Bill.

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