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Upon feeling the sunlight stream through the window of the early morning hours, Adelaide rolled over in the bed and let out a soft sigh. Prior to falling asleep, she had paced back and forth in the bathroom in hopes that she'd waste enough time for Charlie to fall asleep. This was solely for the purpose of not wanting to drunkenly talk about what had just happened with them.

She felt like she betrayed Sirius – even though he was dead and physically no longer on this earth – Adelaide felt sick to her stomach that she did something wrong. She could barely sleep and felt the weight of her actions pulling her further and further down. Into what, she wasn't sure.

Charlie started shifting in the bed and at the knowledge that he was now awake, Adelaide began nervously chewing on her bottom lip. She had slept in the second bed, not wanting to push the wrong agenda with Charlie after having sex with him.


Charlie was sitting up now, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he realized Adelaide was sitting on the bed opposite of him.

"What are you doing over there? Did you sleep over there?"

Adelaide couldn't help but feel bad at the sadness and confusion in his voice. She sucked in a deep breath and stood up so she could walk over and sit next to him. This entire time she had stayed silent, and she was nervously fidgeting with the hem of her sleep shirt. "Charlie, look..."

Charlie reached over and grabbed her hands. Pulling her fingertips from her shirt, he held them tightly and kept them situated in her lap. "Let me speak first, ok?"

Adelaide didn't want to let him speak. She knew that he would make this so much harder than it had to be. "Charlie, maybe that's not just a good idea." She admitted, shaking her head as she finally looked up and caught his gaze.

"Last night," Charlie ignored her pleas. He needed to get this out before he chickened out. "It meant a lot to me, Adelaide. I know things between us have been strained these past few years, but I need to be honest with you and with myself." Charlie smiled softly, leaning his head down just a bit so he could try to look at her once she started turning away from him.

"Charlie, stop." Adelaide pulled her hands from him. She stood up and began pacing back and forth again. "Last night was a mistake. I should have never... Godric, I threw myself at you and I was drunk and," she trailed off, trying to find the right words to say to him. She needed to soften the blow as much as possible but as she looked up and spotted the expression on his face, she realized she was much too late for that. "You know that I care for you, Charlie. I really do. Our friendship means so much to me and I don't want to ruin it."

"How was last night a mistake, Adelaide? We love each other, right? I know you love me just as much as I love you." Charlie pushed himself to stand now, arms crossing taut across his chest.

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