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D E C E M B E R 1996

"Do you think this is too much?"

"What? Too much? Tonks, most women would barely consider this a wedding dress."

Adelaide stood behind the chair Tonks was currently fidgeting away in. The shade of her hair was consistently changing with each passing thought or worry. The dress she was wearing was a deep purple – which Adelaide knew was one of her favorite colors. Tonks usually drifted to darker colors, where as Adelaide was the complete opposite. Unless she was wearing her dark Ravenclaw blue, she could usually be found in bright, or light neutral, tones.

"I'm just a bit miffed." Tonks sighed again. "Mum wanted me to wear her dress." A look of confusion, and maybe a bit of fear, washed over her features.

"Well, white was never your color." Adelaide smirked, reaching down to toy with a single strand of her friend's hair that was now a deep shade of purple – almost matching perfectly with the dress. Even after all these years, she was still mesmerized when the color changed right before her very eyes.

"Thanks Addy." Tonks laughed softly before she stood up. She finally decided on the fact that what Remus saw was what he was going to get. They had known each other for a while now – they were getting married for Merlin's sakes – and Remus knew what he was signing up for.

She was a mess. He was a mess. Together, they would be one big, beautiful mess.

Adelaide could not be happier for her friends. Her heart swelled within the confines of her chest as she watched Tonks pace by the door. Her nervousness was adorable. Tonks was never nervous. It was almost unbelievable that Remus J. Lupin was the only person alive to bring on this kind of behavior in the metamorphaghus.

Everything was set up in her parents' home. The ceremony was short, sweet, and small. They chose to not have a big theatrical event – with the rise of Voldemort happening – and fast, they did not want to bring any more attention to themselves. To The Order.

Remus, who was only a few doors down, had asked Harry to be his Best Man. They wanted him to be a part of everything before he went back to school. New Year's Eve was the perfect wedding date, according to Andromeda. The older woman was excited to welcome everyone into her home for the special occasion.

Adelaide, when Tonks had asked, didn't even have to think of her answer before wrapping her arms around her best friend in agreement to be her Maid of Honor.

Adelaide had found herself standing off to the side holding in her sobs as she watched the way that Remus lovingly looked down at Tonks as they exchanged their vows. She could have sworn that she saw Harry have a small twinkle in his eyes, as well. That would be something she would have to tease him about later.

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